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Everything posted by Arcadium

  1. Hey I think GladiaCloud released a Vector the Croc as well
  2. Currently on episode 5 of Kill la Kill... I think? I usually binge one anime at a time but halfway through Kill I had to make way for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (yeah the whole thing). After that I barely had time to watch stuff. I'll be giving it another go soon and then it's on to BNHA s4 afterwards
  3. Hello there! Nice to meet you, I'm Arcadium. One thing you should know is that I'm extremely lazy so I copy-pasted my profile bio: I've been interested in MUGEN for a couple years now. I mostly like being impressed by original creations, especially when hand-crafted from scratch. In my private life I recently switched studies to learn more about programming. I spend my free time being a total nerd with my weeb friends. I'm hoping this forum is a lot friendlier than the last place I was active on
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