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Posts posted by RockRage8962

  1. Helper has no proper creator and its spazing out.

    float values are being used with decimals is the reason numbers are being truncated.


    did you make this character?

    The one with the low-res sprites yes. The one with the high-res sprites no. Also what would the coding look like to help fix these issues? As I have stated I have looked up these kinds of bug fixes before with no results pertaining to what I have been looking for which is why I have no clue on how to fix the coding.

  2. One of the most common responses I have heard about my and IDGCaptainRussia's Rainbow Dash Revamped is that she has a Debug Flood problem. I have tried searching for help on fixing the problems she has with Debug Flood. Below are a few screenshots showing what Debug tells is wrong with the character. If anyone could give me help on fixing these it would be greatly appeciated!









  3. I have been trying to code in a special intro against DoomGuy2nd's Blossom for my Rainbow Dash and haven't had much luck. I decided to post the code here to see if I could get any help with what I am doing wrong as the tutorials I have looked at have been somewhat helpful, but not entirely. All of the intros are posted in the code below for references. Some portions of code have been posted, but commented out as to signify what codes caused problems for me.



    Its a long list so be warned.




    ;[statedef 190]

    ;type = S

    ;[state 190, 1]

    ;type = VarRandom

    ;trigger1 = Time = 0

    ;v = 1

    ;range = 0,400

    ;[state 190, 2]

    ;type = ChangeState

    ;trigger1 = Var(1) = [0,200]

    ;value = 190

    ;[state 190, 3]

    ;type = ChangeState

    ;trigger1 = Var(1) = [201,400]

    ;value = 196



    [statedef 30004]

    type = A

    movetype = I

    physics = N

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 556

    velset = 0,0

    sprpriority = 0

    [state 0, Explod]

    type = Explod

    trigger1 = time=91

    anim = F3

    pos = -16,0

    [state 0, EnvShake]

    type = EnvShake

    trigger1 = time=91

    time = 8

    freq = 60

    ampl = -4

    ;phase = 90

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, PlaySnd]

    type = PlaySnd

    trigger1 = time=91

    value = S11,0

    [state 0, PlaySnd]

    type = PlaySnd

    trigger1 = time=92

    value = S8000,5

    [state 0, VelAdd]

    type = VelAdd

    trigger1 = time>90

    y = 0.1

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, ChangeAnim]

    type = ChangeAnim

    trigger1 = time=90

    value = 557

    elem = 1

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, PosAdd]

    type = PosAdd

    trigger1 = time=90

    y = -32

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, AngleDraw]

    type = AngleDraw

    trigger1 = time>90

    value = -(time-90)*6

    scale = 1,1

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, Trans]

    type = Trans

    trigger1 = time>110

    trans = addalpha

    alpha = 256-(time-110)*5,(time-110)*5

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, VelSet]

    type = VelSet

    trigger1 = time=90

    x = 10

    y = -2

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, DestroySelf]

    type = DestroySelf

    trigger1 = roundstate>1

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =


    ;Vs. Rainbow Dash (Preintro)

    ;[statedef 190]

    ;type = S

    ;ctrl = 0

    ;velset = 0,0

    ;[state 190, Intro vs. Rainbow Dash]

    ;type = ChangeState

    ;triggerall = palno <= 6 (This portion of code was borrowed from another character and I don't know how to fix it so that this isn't required so mugen doesn't choke)

    ;trigger1 = Enemy, Name = "DGBlossom" && Enemy, AuthorName = "DoomGuy II"

    ;value = 189


    ;Vs. Blossom

    [statedef 189]

    type = S

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 168

    velset = 0,0

    [state 191, 2]

    type = AssertSpecial

    trigger1 = 1

    flag = Intro

    ;No Bar

    [state 191]

    type = AssertSpecial

    trigger1 = Time >= 0

    flag = NoBarDisplay

    [state 191, To Standing]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = Time = 100

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

    value = 0

    [state 0, PlaySnd]

    type = PlaySnd

    trigger1 = time = 130

    value = S777,4



    [statedef 30005]

    type = S

    movetype = I

    physics = N

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 559

    velset = 0,0

    sprpriority = 0

    [state 0, Explod]

    type = Explod

    trigger1 = time=30

    anim = 558

    ID = 558

    pos = 20,-260

    postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right

    facing = 1

    vfacing = 1

    bindtime = 1

    vel = 0,250/100.00

    accel = 0,0

    random = 0,0

    removetime = 100

    pausemovetime = 0

    scale = 1,1

    sprpriority = 5

    [state 0, PlaySnd]

    type = PlaySnd

    trigger1 = time = 130

    value = S777,4

    [state 0, ChangeAnim]

    type = ChangeAnim

    trigger1 = time=130

    value = 560

    elem = 1

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, VarSet]

    type = VarSet

    trigger1 = animtime%4=0 && anim=560

    v = 14 ;fv = 10

    value = 1-var(14)

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, AngleDraw]

    type = AngleDraw

    trigger1 = anim=559

    trigger2 = anim=560 && var(14)=1

    ;value = 1

    scale = 0.4,0.4

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, PlaySnd]

    type = PlaySnd

    trigger1 = time=0

    value = 2,5

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, AssertSpecial]

    type = AssertSpecial

    trigger1 = 1

    flag = intro

    [state 0, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = anim=560 && time>180

    value = 0

    ctrl = 0

    ;anim =

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =



    [statedef 30003]

    type = S

    movetype = I

    physics = N

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 100

    velset = 0,0

    sprpriority = 0

    [state 0, Helper]

    type = Helper

    trigger1 = time=0

    helpertype = normal ;player

    name = "ButthenIdied"

    ID = 30004

    stateno = 30004

    pos = 16,0

    postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right

    facing = 1

    keyctrl = 0

    ownpal = 0

    supermovetime = 0

    pausemovetime = 0

    size.xscale = 0.30

    size.yscale = 0.30

    [state 0, AssertSpecial]

    type = AssertSpecial

    trigger1 = time<50

    flag = invisible

    [state 0, PosSet]

    type = PosAdd

    trigger1 = time=0

    x = -240

    y = 0

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, PosAdd]

    type = PosAdd

    trigger1 = time>60 && time<80

    x = 10

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, ChangeAnim]

    type = ChangeAnim

    trigger1 = time=80

    value = 240

    elem = 1

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, AssertSpecial]

    type = AssertSpecial

    trigger1 = 1

    flag = intro

    [state 0, ScreenBound]

    type = ScreenBound

    trigger1 = 1

    value = 0

    movecamera = 0,0

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, ChangeAnim]

    type = ChangeAnim

    trigger1 = anim=240 && animtime=0

    value = 20

    elem = 1

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, PosSet]

    type = PosAdd

    trigger1 = anim=20

    x = 4

    y = 0

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = anim=20 && time>110

    value = 0

    ctrl = 0

    ;anim =

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =



    [statedef 30002]

    type = S

    movetype = I

    physics = N

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 0

    velset = 0,0

    sprpriority = 0

    [state 0, PlaySnd]

    type = PlaySnd

    trigger1 = time=0

    value = 1337,1

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, AssertSpecial]

    type = AssertSpecial

    trigger1 = 1

    flag = nomusic

    [state 0, Explod]

    type = Explod

    trigger1 = time=0

    anim = 1339

    ID = 1339

    pos = -100,0

    postype = left ;p2,front,back,left,right

    facing = 1

    vfacing = 1

    bindtime = -1

    vel = 1,0

    accel = 0,0

    random = 0,0

    removetime = -2

    pausemovetime = 0

    scale = 0.6,0.6

    sprpriority = 100

    ownpal = 1

    supermove = 0

    ;pausemove = 0

    ignorehitpause = 0

    [state 0, AssertSpecial]

    type = AssertSpecial

    trigger1 = 1

    flag = intro

    flag2 = roundnotover

    [state 0, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = numexplod(1339)<1

    value = 0

    ctrl = 0

    ;anim =

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =



    [statedef 30000]

    type = S

    movetype = I

    physics = N

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 20

    velset = 0,0

    ;spriority = 0

    [state 0, PosAdd]

    type = PosAdd

    trigger1 = time=0

    x = -320

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, ScreenBound]

    type = ScreenBound

    trigger1 = 1

    value = 0

    movecamera = 0,0

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, AssertSpecial]

    type = AssertSpecial

    trigger1 = 1

    flag = intro

    flag2 = roundnotover

    [state 0, PosAdd]

    type = PosAdd

    trigger1 = 1

    x = 5

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 196, changestate]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = time= 64;This means when the intro animation is done, change to stand animation.

    value = 0

    ctrl = 0



    [statedef 30001]

    type = S

    movetype = I

    physics = N

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 700

    velset = 0,0

    ;spriority = 0

    [state 0, ChangeAnim]

    type = ChangeAnim

    trigger1 = time=50

    value = 900

    elem = 1

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, PosAdd]

    type = PosSet

    trigger1 = time=0

    x = -320*facing

    y= -100

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, ScreenBound]

    type = ScreenBound

    trigger1 = 1

    value = 0

    movecamera = 0,0

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, AssertSpecial]

    type = AssertSpecial

    trigger1 = 1

    flag = intro

    flag2 = roundnotover

    [state 0, PosAdd]

    type = PosAdd

    trigger1 = time > 50 && time<150

    x = -5

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, PosAdd]

    type = PosAdd

    trigger1 = time > 150

    y = 2

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, PosAdd]

    type = PosAdd

    trigger1 = time < 50

    x = 15

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 196, changestate]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = pos y >0;This means when the intro animation is done, change to stand animation.

    value = 0

    ctrl = 0



    [statedef 191]

    type = S

    movetype = I

    physics = N

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 190

    velset = 0,0

    ;spriority = 0

    [state 0, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = time=0 && var(56)=0

    value = ifelse(random<200,30005,ifelse(random<500,ifelse(random<500,30000,30001),ifelse(random<500,30003,30002)))

    ctrl = 0

    ;anim =

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 0, VarSet]

    type = VarSet

    trigger1 = Time = 0

    v = 57 ;fv = 10

    value = 2

    ;ignorehitpause =

    ;persistent =

    [state 190, PlaySnd]

    type = PlaySnd

    trigger1 = time = 0 && var(56)=1

    value = S2500,0

    volume = 2000

    [state 190, PlaySnd]

    type = PlaySnd

    trigger1 = time = 0 && var(56)=0

    value = S190,0

    volume = 2000

    [state 196, changestate]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 ;This means when the intro animation is done, change to stand animation.

    value = 0

    ctrl = 0

    [state 191, 3]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

    trigger2 = PrevStateNo = 193

    value = 192



    [state 196, assertspecial]

    type = assertspecial

    trigger1 = 1

    flag = intro

    [state 196, changestate]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 ;This means when the intro animation is done, change to stand animation.

    value = 0

    ctrl = 0


    [state 0, VarSet]

    type = VarRandom

    trigger1 = time =0

    v = 1

    range = 6,8



    [state 0, AssertSpecial]

    type = AssertSpecial

    trigger1 = 1

    flag = Intro

  4. I think I might keep it assigned to the taunt button as it feels awkward to me otherwise. Also my Rainbow Dash isn't the only one like this, MadOldCrow's characters also have special moves assigned to the taunt button. I might change it though if enough people want it assigned to something else. As for the change state error that was inevitable. as for the crouching light kick I didn't know that and thanks for letting me know!


    I don't usually post here but there are some glaring problems that wern't mentioned before (I usually post on MFG)


    • Transparency issues in almost all of the cut scenes
    • Too add to MugoUrth's post. You can do anything before the round starts even launch supers
    • The King of Fighters effects clash with the rest of the character
    • You can chain the KoF roll into it's self to make Rainbow dash invincible
    • A lot of lag with the effects sometimes
    • The Elemental power turns into a invalid action after it's used once
    • The JoJo's like stand within the D,D,D,s (And why would you set the super to the taunt button) super is horridly coded and the stand can't punch while moving
    • Why does the power charge have a full screen red hit box
    • Speaking about the power charge, One of the effects stays in place if you move RD with p2
    • Taunt has no CLSNs whatsoever
    • There is some coding that seems to be ripped from DG's Blossom 
    • IMO RD should use less effects because it looks like those bad KoF edits
    • Why does this thing have a double jump and a super jump and the super jump is too tight to pull off


    In reply to a few things here and there.

    I don't know why CaptainRussia re-enabled that.

    First of all The Elemental mode is supposed to become invalid after one use as it not only heals a portion of your health, but it would be unfair if it could be activated more than once.

    CaptainRussia assigned the ultimate move (The Jojo like stand which is actually a cloning move) to the taunt button so that it wouldn't clash with the other moves. Also I don't know why it was made to not only be able to attack while standing, but its probably due to the way it was coded.

    I don't know why the taunt had its collisions removed.

    You are not mistaken about that area of code being partially from DG's Blossom.

    The character was created off of another character that used the EoH template (which I regret doing) and that's the reason behind some of the issues.

    This character was a bit rushed and these issues are being addressed.


    Thanks for the feedback! It really does help me know what to fix and make better!

  6. @Ryon Sorry about the misplacing. I was in a bit of a rush when I posted this and wasn't paying full attention to what I was doing. I would also reply in quote, but this website is bugged and won't even let me copy and paste on my end for some strange reason. Anyways is it possible to change the animations displayed using this type of Helper code for different character animations?

  7. The questions I have are how does one code a helper to follow display an animation and follow the player around the stage without any delays or random warping from turning around? I'm trying to code in helpers for my Fighting is Magic styled Twilight Sparkle so she has her book with her without pasting the book sprites onto her regular sprites. If anyone could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated!

  8. Sorry it took so long to reply, but I had no updates regarding her progress until a few days ago. She has had three new moves added in and her AI has been amped up as well. Still no clue as to when she will be released, but it shouldn't be much longer.

  9. We were replying to Funky Rat since he was making another pointless post regarding how much he "hates" ponies. This time in the form of a .gif image. I couldn't quote him though since this website isn't letting me do so for some reason. Also to reply to your question that I put off answering for too long, no there aren't since these are conversions of stages from a fan made game that got Cease and Desisted by Hasbro. However my own conversions that aren't from any games do have animated characters in the background and I do have some other stages planned for creation.

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