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Posts posted by RockRage8962

  1. In addition, MUGEN code in your options.txt doesn't necessarily belongs to [statedef -2].

    You can also use an overridden Statedef 5900 for that purpose.


    An example of an overridden Statedef 5900 to be put into your options.txt:

    ; Initialize (at the start of the round)
    [Statedef 5900]
    type = S
    ; cutscene options
    [State 5900, VarSet]
    type = VarSet
    trigger1 = 1  
    v = 35   ;;;;;;;;;;;;; you may need to use any not-in-use integer variable number (from the values of 1 to 59)
    value = 1    ;;;;;;;;;;;;  "1" for enabling cutscene; "0" for disabling cutscene
    [State 5900, 4] ;Intro for round 1
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = roundno = 1
    value = 190
    [State 5900, 5] ;All other rounds
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = 1
    value = 0

    Then, in your cutscene MUGEN code (Helpers and/or Explods) Trigger(s), add the checking of the value of the integer variable number, var(35).


    Sometimes, even a Helper (with ParentVarSet state controller) can be used, instead of using an overridden Statedef 5900, for some MUGEN character configuration files like yours.



    It would seem there is still a bit of a problem left. The overridden 5900 state configuration worked, but it had some undesirable glitches as well. What happened was it worked just fine for her normal form, but it ended up screwing up in her corrupted form as the latter enters a pinch state where some new abilities become available. It should happen if said form is beaten in one round and activated in the next round. What happened was she enters said form right as the battle starts in the first round and the cutscenes end up disabled regardless of the number being set to 1 or 0. I found the coding that is to blame, but I don't know what to do to fix this issue.

    This is the coding in question:


    [state 5900, 1] ;Clear all int variables

    type = VarRangeSet

    trigger1 = roundsexisted = 0

    value = 0

    [state 5900, 2] ;Clear all float variables

    type = VarRangeSet

    trigger1 = roundsexisted = 0

    fvalue = 0

    [state 5900, 3] ;Intro for round 1

    type = ChangeState

    triggerall = var(57)<2

    trigger1 = roundno = 1

    trigger2 = var(56)>0 && roundno = 1

    trigger3 = var(57)>0 && var(56)>0

    value = 190


    I'm not sure what to do about this as adding in the last part to the text document causes her intros to not play at all.

  2. After hearing feedback on Rainbow Dash Revamped and the desire people have to turn the cutscenes on and off via a text document I have been trying to code in an options.txt file to allow people to change the value so that the cutscenes can be turned on and off by simply editing a value number. I have been running into issues however and am not sure how to code it properly. I have tried finding some help to code this, but have had no luck in finding anything that helps. I have heard that I have to code something into the -2 state along with modifying the explods and options document, but I'm not sure what I need to code in to make this work. I will momentarily post the coding I have done so far in case people are confused as to what I am talking about.

  3. I wonder if the "Execution Victoly" thing came from an obscure fighting game or something, because it sounds like it does judging from how the voice clips were used. As for the audio in the background I wonder if that was also from the same source as the voice clip? Oh well. I guess some things will always be a mystery. Thanks for the help though! You saved me the trouble of wasting my time looking around the internet on a wild goose chase for edits that most likely aren't even public.

  4. Figures. Only Arpa would be one of those creators who doesn't release his edits to ensure they won't become a M.U.G.E.N. fad which would die off eventually anyway. Oh well. I guess that's the community for some people. In my opinion private edits should NOT be showcased. If someone isn't going to release something that they had no shame in creating then don't show it off in videos, screenshots, etc.

  5. They are found in this video starting at the 8:51 mark with that SvC looking Guile. I know that the Cornflakes Sagat is private, but I don't know about the others. If anyone can let me know if I am wasting my time looking for these because they are private please let me know.

  6. Just a quick announcement. The cutsceneless version is a bit delayed as I have another release planned soon since some issues have been corrected (like some of the debug flood) with just a few left to go (some debug flood still remains and I'm looking into it right now and re-balancing her basic moves so they can chain properly and not cause infinites) as well as some visual changes so expect an update soon. Hopefully it will be a step in the right direction as well, since I do want this character to be a good one. As always feedback is always appreciated!

  7. you shouldnt use a template.

    you shouldnt copy codes.


    you have ALOT of codes in her that do nothing.


    its post likely a variable freaking out, sadly i do not know how many you have to help you figure it out.

    Well, thanks for the help and the advice! I really do appreciate it!

  8. a varaible maybe?

    or velset?

    It happens when she is in her element of loyalty mode. Its activated when she has at least one third of her power bar full and the activation command is down, down, down, Z. I also found a pal fx glitch when activated as well. The debug complaint it mentions is: 


    I couldn't find the culprit for this one either.

  9. ok so 1.

    please do not use templates.

    do not copy codes either.


    your problem is your common2.cns


    in state 0 , your stand


    you have alot of "ishelper" codes. WHICH is completely illogical because your character is not a helper, so there asking if its a helper but since it doesnt exist, it debugs out.

    also at the bottom of it, you have some changestate codes (for AI) that are asking for helpernum(3000) which does not exist.


    remove it.

    I was able to fix the debug flood for the non existent helper, but i am having trouble locating the culprit for the expression truncated to integer problem in state 1338.

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