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Nep Heart

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Posts posted by Nep Heart


    Breaking News: Cast of Final Fantasy 7 get schooled by loli in two games of basketball.


    Note: DM won't let me upload custom thumbnails anymore, so, you'll just have to settle without my wacky image edits from then on. Dailymotion just seems broken this month as a whole in general for some reason.

  2.  Damn, I'm not gonna lie here... I actually envy you, albeit in a good way. This blows a lot of the artwork I've seen around here or anything I've ever done out of the water. I really am impressed with how you do rotations especially.

  3.  This looks like a fun thread to post in. Lemme see if I can give it a try. I don't really have a "team," so, this is just a list of mains I've been frequenting with in MUGEN within the past 4 months or so.


    Eri Hasumi by Sennou-Room: Probably among the first characters that I really got a hang of when I started doing MUGEN and fairly easy to use no less for someone who just started out... that, and because I love cute twintailed girls. I tried ZSM's version, but turns out that I am ass at Vanguard Princess. Another reason why I started out with this little supersoldier tomboy was due to being inspired from watching Captain Vulcan play her even if he uses ZSM's.


    Hotaru Futaba by Juke Kisaragi: One of the few characters from any SNK franchise that I ever cared for, let alone gotten attached to, Hotaru has a high learning curve, but she's actually fun once you adapt to her deep and rewarding playstyle. I've went through a few version of Hotaru and found that Juke's worked the best for me. Also, my love for cute twintailed girls applies here as well.


    Madoka Kaname by おりりん/Ori Rin: I'm a big Puella Magi fanboy, shoot me... and, once again, cute twintailed girls. I've tried various versions of this character and Orin Rin's clicked me the best since I do have a preference for the zoning playstyle as well as having the best sprites among all the versions I came across. A little bit on the overpowered side originally, so, I did took some liberties to tweak the character myself considering she had absurd damage output before... it's a slow process, but I'll keep up the progress. Meduka is beauty.


    Mio Kouzuki by DABA: One of my mains from EFZ even if there are quite a few things that are not accurate to the source game, especially with how her combos work slightly different in MUGEN. Plus, I do think the idea of a cute and mute sketch artist is extra kiwi... being a casual sketch artist myself, this clicks well with me.


    White Len by 9: One of my few mains from MBAACC, you gotta love her mischievous looks and voice. Just like Madoka, I enjoy zoners the most among fighting game archetypes and White Len does the job well in her Full Moon mode. She's a little slow, but she does have 1100 life to go along with that aforementioned zoning anyway.


    Miyako Arima by 9: Another one of my MBAACC mains is a quick and brawny little girl practiced in the deadly Chinese art of bajiquan. I tend to alternate between Full Moon and Crescent Moon modes depending on my mood and needs.


    Yukina Himeragi by Sennou-Room: I originally was playing around with Aki's version, but found this version of Yukina more suiting to my tastes and I generally enjoy Sennou's stuff to boot. With her deadly combination of disjointed reach and power as well as handy mobility options in her Arrow Strike, Yukina is a definite keeper in my roster. Plus, you gotta admit her "fish out of water" status coupled with her looks is pretty cute.


    Haruhi Suzumiya by Choiyer: Similar to Madoka, but to a lesser extent, I do enjoy the Haruhi Suzumiya series ... too bad the light novel series has been on hiatus for almost 7 years and the Disappearance of Yuki Nagato was a half-assed spin-off that doesn't carry the spirit of the original series. However, I still do enjoy the series for what it is even during the drought. The iteration I use is the same exact one used by Mugenwatcher which, from what I've been told, is one he's been holding on to from an old friend of his who used to play this modified version. No matter how you out it, that's what I like to call a true friend right there and I feel honored to play this character just from that fact. 


    Youmu Konpaku by Rel/Youmu by Mikage: Youmu is my favorite Touhou character, one of my favorite fictional franchises out there, and I have played her in many Touhou games whether the danmaku, fighters, fangames and so on. The first one is a custom Youmu that plays roughly in UMvC3 style, making her a very formidable and strong character I can use against some of the more challenging stuff that lies ahead in MUGEN. She only has 850 life, but she hits hard and moves fast to make up for it; a glass cannon essentially. The second one is based on her Hisoutensoku appearance, one of my mains from that game who plays a mean rushdown style with the speed and power to lockdown unprepared adversaries. 


     I essentially switch between the versions depending on my mood and needs.


    Pikachu by Gladiacloud 'n Solarflared: Similar to Youmu, Pikachu is another glass cannon with only 800 life, but has incredible ground movement and devastating combos. I'm also quite the Pokemon fan and I thought the mascot itself was a perfect fit for me, although not to the same extent as I do like Puella Magica. The custom semi-MvC mechanics with this character is quite a blast.


    Akari Ichijou by Ohgaki: An interesting take on a Last Blade character as this version of Akari was made with a KoF 98 style in mind. She's probably one of the hardest characters to execute among my mains, but she's incredibly rewarding when played correctly. As a result, she does huge damage for little cost as well as the ability to guard crush and put opponents into dizzy state with enough hits. Also, onmyoji are cool and she's amusing with being a trollish brat.


    Piccolo by Team Z2: One of my most favorite characters from one of my most favorite anime/manga franchises, this is probably the best Piccolo I've ever experienced in MUGEN. While slow and a big target, Piccolo's got incredible reach in melee along with above average damage output and a beefy 1100 life to balance those flaws out. His Demon Mode truly expands his replay value and he's just incredibly fun in general even if you're not a fan of the character.



     I'll likely list more in the future, but this is what I have for now.

  4.  Fun character, I really am having fun with yet another of Sennou-Room's creations thus far. This is probably my second of his to play, but... a few issues.

     - Her counter super is practically useless. Really could give a lot more reward given the extreme risks it carries behind it. That, or replace it entirely.


     - Like the majority of Sennou's stuff with a few exceptions, her ex specials leave a lot to desire. Something like adding extra properties that give them drastically different utility from their original counterpart. I have nearly no incentive to use Yukina's ex specials simply because I can get similar results with a lv1 super anyway. A wall bounce or inducing dizzy state would be nice for example.


     Asides from those two pieces of criticism, good work as always.

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