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Drunk Ryu

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Posts posted by Drunk Ryu

  1. WOW wats dat stage on the 3rd challenge?

    Stage is called Ninja Training.

    how ru selecting chars 2 fight against cuzzo?

    Not sure exactly what your asking.... If you mean how am I fighting them in vs mode against the AI. I press ctrl+2 before the fight starts to set the other player to AI.

  2. You made these? There fucking incredible! Great job. I love the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th, and Last pics. Great job. Also quick question.... What are the DL links on your sig? Are they characters for Mugen? I see the cat girl and Hakumen

  3. Challenge # 16



    3 vs 3 against either 2 teams. (Jae Hoon, Dong Hwan, and Kim. OR Yun, Yang, and Gen)

    Cannot use over powered characters.


    Do not get to your last character.

    Challenge # 17



    - Cannot lose a round

    - Win a match with a super

    - Cannot use Evil, Shin, Orochi, ect.

    - Cannot use character with infinities

    - No Zoning tactics

    - Cannot use characters with no flinch or null damage.


    - Get a perfect

    Challenge # 18



    - Must verse 1 on 1

    - Must use different characters

    - Cannot use no flinch or null damage characters

    - Cannot use any overpowered characters or edits.


    - Finish with a super

    Challenge # 19



    - Can't Lose A Round.


    Not sure cause I couldn't read it.

    Challenge # 20



    - No MvC, MB, GG, ect... type characters

    - No Evil, Shin, God, ect... type characters

    - No edited characters.


    - Go through whole match untouched

    - Finish with Supers

    Challenge # 21



    - KOF, CVS, GG, or BB Characters only

    - Finish with a super


    - Dont Lose a Round

    - Get a Perfect

    Challenge # 22



    - Do not die

    - No Evil, Shin, God, etc. type characters

    - Must use 1 character only



    Challenge # 23



    - 3 vs 3, In any order

    - Must use same character from part 1.

    - 1 vs 1 against Weis


    - Get a Perfect

    - Don't lose a round against Weis

    Challenge # 24



    - Cannot Die at all

    - Must use same character from part 1.

    - 4 (turns) vs 2 (Sim) with Cerberus & Black T

    - Cannot spam unless HP under 25 %

    - 1 vs 1 against Frankenstein

    - Defeat Noob


    - Dont zone againt Noob

    - Get a perfect on Frankenstein

    Challenge # 25



    - Fight against Jax, Sonya, & Striker 3 vs 3.

    - Must use same character from the previous fights.

    - Cannot lose 1 life, unless you started without a full health bar. (3 vs 3 Only)

    - 1 vs 1 against Guile

    - Must win with a super at least 1 round.


    - Do not lose a single round on both parts.

    Challenge # 26



    - Cannot Die on both matches

    - Must use same character from parts 1 & 2.

    - Must use stage given

    - 1 vs 1 against UNK TAME

    - 1 vs 1 against Lei-Lei


    - Finish with a super

    Challenge # 27



    - Choose 1 character in turn with the number of given opponents.

    - Cannot get to your last character.

    - Can fight in any order.


    - Get 1 perfect

    Challenge # 28


    - Choose 1 character in turns 4 times

    - Have to end 2 rounds with a super or hyper

    - Cannot Lose 2 lives to 1 character

    - Dont have to end with a super

    - Fight in any order


    - Do not lose once.

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