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Everything posted by CenturionM1911

  1. I had a PS2. I loved it to death. I have an Xbox360 now, and its great as well. As much as I'd hate to tell the fanboys... there is no difference between the two consoles other than Xbox's superior online (but its not free so its a trade-off). I am equally happy with both consoles and I HATE when people fight over which ones better. If a loading tray matters so much to the PS3 fanboys, they have nothing better to worry about. Ignore them. As for the fanbase, PS3 fans claim to have a more mature one, but actually I see more 12-7 year olds on Mortal Kombat IX on PS3. That aside, the online is free, so Xbox needs to step up to the plate on that. I do however slightly prefer Xbox because of Live and the controllers (and NOT HAVING KRATOS FANBOYS XD!) Overall scores IN MY OPINION: Xbox: 9.0 PS3: 8.5 Wii: 7.0 PS2: 10 Xbox: 8.0 SNES: 8.0 NES: 8.0 Genesis: 8.5 Saturn: 7.0 Dreamcast: 7.0 N64: 8.5 Yes I have played all of these systems.
  2. Downloaded... and it is great! love the Ki attacks. He really puts up a fight against even my strongest characters.
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