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Everything posted by reyldz

  1. I can try giving them all order=1 and i have checked stages folder. There are no space in any of them. Thanks for the answers.
  2. Hmm, I think i did not express myself correctly. I did not put any order for stages or characters. Let's forget about orders and boss fight stuff. Let me put it this way. Let's say i have 100 characters in roster and 60 stages. Among these characters i have Ryu, Ken, Iori etc...There is no any kind of order. I want everything to be random. I want to fight against a random characters in a random stages. I start arcade. In the first round i fight against Ryu in stage number 1, in the second match i fight against Ken in stage number 2 and Iori in stage number 3 and so on. Everything seems random as i wanted. I finish arcade run. I start a new arcade and I fight against Ryu, Ken, Iori in same stages again. They may appear in a different order but what i mean is even though i have 100 characters and 60 stages, it feels like my roster only consists of 10 characters and 5 stages. Or this is what i feel. select.def file seems like this; [Characters] ;===================================================================== ;Add Characters below! ;===================================================================== Gouki Evil Ryu xCvsKenx Geese EvilKen EvilRyu DragonClaw yiori ......it goes on Insert your stages below ;------------------------------------------ stages/DMC4-FortunaCity.def stages/YDA_CVS_Gouki.def stages/WinterholdC.def stages/China_Sunset_HR.def ......and it goes on Like i said, there is no any order. I want everything to be random but it feels like mugen only loads some of them, not all of them. I hope i managed to tell it correctly. Thanks,
  3. Hi, I have been playing mugen like years. I have played winmugen, 1.0. I have more than 100 characters in roster and more than 60 stages but whenever i play arcade it seems like mugen always brings same characters/stages. I start an arcade, fight against a few opponents, ESC quit, start arcade again and same characters and stages over again. Sometimes same stage appear twice in a row and i kinda got used to that. I did not put any order except the last boss fight. Does mugen engine work that way or is it just me? Thanks,
  4. who is kamukamu senpai.?.....looks like a good chac but couldnt find it anywhere?
  5. this is arguably the best goku in mugen...would be cool if we get english soundpack also.
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