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Everything posted by ApolloAvalon

  1. Is there anyway to fix that delay, or is it meant to be that?
  2. Yeah, that didn't do anything, I think I'll recode the projectile and not rely on copying someone else's...
  3. I'm close to a beta 2 release for my Kid Goku. For the level 1 super for his Kamehameha, the beam itself doesn't appear, despite being coded properly. [spoiler = Command for Super] [State -1, Kamehameha!] type = ChangeState value = 3000 triggerall = command = "Kamehameha!" triggerall = RoundState = 2 && StateType != A triggerall = ifelse(var(20) <= 0, power >= 1000, power >= 0) triggerall = ctrl || StateNo = 40 || StateNo = 52 || var(6) trigger1 = NumHelper(3005) <= 0 trigger2 = NumHelper(3005) <= 1 trigger2 = Helper(3005),StateNo = [3006,3007] [spoiler = Code for Super] [Statedef 3000] type=S movetype=A physics=N anim=3000 poweradd=-1000 ctrl=0 velset=0,0 sprpriority=1 facep2=1 [State 3000, No Corner Push] type=VarSet trigger1=!time fvar(5)=0 [State 3000, Unguardable] type=VarSet trigger1=!time && NumEnemy var(17)=Ifelse((EnemyNear, StateNo=[120,155]),0,50) [State 3000, Super Cancel Flag] type=VarSet trigger1=!Time var(21)=(PrevStateNo=[1000,2999]) && var(6) [State 3000, Hyper Cancel Flag] type=VarSet trigger1=!Time var(22)=((prevstateno=[3000,4999]) && var(7)) || var(20) [State 3000, Super Cancel Flash] type=PalFX trigger1=var(21) || var(22) trigger1=!(Time % 2) && Time <=12 time=1 add=255,255,255 ignoreHitPause=1 [State 3000, SuperPause FX] type=Helper trigger1=!time helperType=Normal stateNo=8500 ID=8500 name="Superpause FX" posType=P1 pos=0,-30 superMoveTime=255 size.xScale=1 size.yScale=1 ownPal=1 [State 3000, SuperPause] type=SuperPause trigger1=AnimElem = 3 time=50 moveTime=49 p2DefMul=1 unHittable=1 anim=-1 sound=s8500,0 darken=0 poweradd=0 [State 3000, 1];wŒ‚‚‰¹x type = PlaySnd trigger1 = AnimElem = 4 value = 20,0 [State 3000, 1];w‚©‚ß‚Í‚ß”g`Ix type = PlaySnd trigger1 = AnimElem = 3 value = 1400,0 [State 3000, Width] type=Width trigger1=AnimElemTime(5)>=0 value=65,0 [State 3000, NotHitBy] type=NotHitBy trigger1=AnimElemTime(6) < 0 time=1 value=SCA [State 3000, Kamehameha] type = helper trigger1 =animelem=4 helpertype = normal stateno = 3005 ID = 3005 name = "Kamehameha" postype = p1 pos = 0,0 ownpal = 1 persistent=0 pauseMoveTime=255 [State 3000, End] type = ChangeState trigger1 = !AnimTime value = 0 ctrl = 1 [spoiler = Helper for Super] [Statedef 3005] type=A physics=N movetype=A ctrl=0 velset=0, 0 sprpriority=4 [State 3005, HitOverride] type=hitoverride trigger1=1 time=-1 attr=SCA, AA, AP, AT stateno=Ifelse(var(8)<10,3005,3006) ignorehitpause=1 [State 3005, HB] type=hitby trigger1=1 time=-1 value=SCA, NP, SP, HP ignorehitpause=1 [State 3005, BindToRoot] type = BindToRoot trigger1 =1 pos = ceil(80 * const(size.xScale)),ceil(Ifelse(root,stateno=3000,0,25) * const(size.yScale)) ignorehitpause =1 [State 3005, ChangeAnim] type=ChangeAnim trigger1 =!time&&!prevstateno value=3005 [State 3005, movehitvar] type=varset trigger1=movecontact && numtarget trigger1=!(target, ishelper) var(3)=1 ignorehitpause=1 [State 3005, VarAdd] type=VarAdd trigger1 =!time var(8)=1 [State 3005, Assert] type=trans trigger1=1 trans=addalpha alpha=256, 256 ignorehitpause=1 [State 3005, HitSound] type=playsnd trigger1=movehit && numtarget trigger1=target, time=0 && target, movetype=H value=2, 6 channel=20+random%4 persistent=0 ignorehitpause=1 [State 3005, AssertSpecial] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow ignorehitpause = 1 [State 3005, hit] type=hitdef trigger1=1 priority=4, Hit ID=3005 attr=A, HP damage=floor(20*Ifelse(root,var(13)>14,root,fvar(10)/2,root,fvar(10))),4 animtype=Hard hitflag=MAF guardflag=MA pausetime=4,1 guard.pausetime=4,12 sparkNo=-1 guard.sparkNo=-1 sparkXY=-1 guardsound=s130,1 ground.type=High ground.slidetime=2 ground.hittime=32 air.hittime=32 ground.velocity=-4,-3 guard.velocity=-5 air.velocity=-4,-0.5 airguard.velocity=-4,-1 ground.cornerPush.velOff=0 guard.cornerPush.velOff=0 air.cornerPush.velOff=0 fall=1 air.recover=0 fall.recover=0 getpower=0,0 givepower=18,18 palFX.time=12 palFX.add=255,255,255 palFX.sinAdd=-255,-255,-255,48 envshake.time=12 envshake.ampl=5 sprpriority=4 forcestand=1 [State 3005, TargetState] type = TargetState trigger1= movehit && numtarget(3005) trigger1= target(3005),Movetype=H&& !(target, time) value =3080 ID = 3005 ignorehitpause =1 [State 3005, HitSpark] type=Helper trigger1= movecontact=1 && numtarget trigger1=(enemynear, movetype=H) && !(target,time) helperType=Normal stateNo=ifElse(MoveGuarded, 8001, 8005) ID=8000 name="Spark" pos= ceil(p2bodydist x+20),ceil(-10+50*(root,statetype=A&&p2bodydist y>=-25)) ownpal = 1 facing = -1 ignorehitpause = 1 persistent=0 size.xScale=1 size.yScale=1 pauseMoveTime=65535 superMoveTime=65535 [State 3005, Counter FX] type=Helper trigger1=MoveContact=1 && numtarget && var(9) trigger1=!(Target, HitShakeOver) helperType=Normal stateNo=8290 ID=8290 name="Counter FX" posType=P1 pos=ifElse(P2Dist x < 0, 0, ifElse(P2Dist x < 20, ceil(P2Dist x), 20)), 0 ownPal=1 pauseMoveTime=65535 superMoveTime=65535 ignoreHitPause=1 [State 3005, HitCount] type=ParentVarAdd trigger1=Movehit=1 && NumTarget var(13)=1 ignorehitpause = 1 persistent=0 [State 3005, Juggle Points] type=ParentVarAdd trigger1=MoveContact=1 && NumTarget var(15)=1 ignorehitpause = 1 persistent=0 [State 3005, ProjContact] type=VarSet trigger1=MoveContact=1 && NumTarget var(18)=1 ignorehitpause = 1 persistent=0 [State 3005, ProjContact] type=ParentVarSet trigger1=MoveContact=1 && NumTarget trigger1=Root,StateNo=[3000,3025] var(18)=1 ignorehitpause = 1 persistent=0 [State 3005, End] type=changestate trigger1=root,time<=20 value=3007 ignorehitpause=1 [State 3005, End] type=destroyself trigger1=root,Movetype=H trigger2=root,stateno!=3000&&root,stateno!=3025 trigger3=(root,stateno=3000|root,stateno=3025)&&root,animelemtime(19)>=0 ignorehitpause=1 [State 3005, Change] type=changestate trigger1=movecontact value=Ifelse(var(8)<10,3005,3006) ignorehitpause=1 [State 3005, Change] type=changestate trigger1=root,animelemtime(15)>=0 value=3006 ignorehitpause=1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------ [Statedef 3006] type=A physics=N movetype=I ctrl=0 velset=0,0 sprpriority=4 [State 3006, NotHitBy] type=NotHitBy trigger1 =1 value=SCA ignorehitpause =1 [State 3006, BindToRoot] type = BindToRoot trigger1 =1 pos = ceil(80 * const(size.xScale)),ceil(Ifelse(root,stateno=3000|root,stateno=3050,-62,-84) * const(size.yScale)) ignorehitpause =1 [State 3006, AngleDraw] type = AngleDraw trigger1 =1 scale =1,1-.075*time ignorehitpause =1 [State 3006, AssertSpecial] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow ignorehitpause = 1 [State 3006, Trans] type = Trans trigger1 = 1 trans = addalpha alpha = 256-16*time,256 ignorehitpause =1 [State 3006, End] type=changestate trigger1=root,time<=20 value=3007 ignorehitpause=1 [State 3006, DestroySelf] type = DestroySelf trigger1=root,stateno!=3000 trigger2=root,stateno=!3000&&root,animelemtime(19)>=0 trigger3=root,Movetype=H ignorehitpause =1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------ [Statedef 3007] type=A physics=N movetype=I anim=9999 ctrl=0 velset=0,0 sprpriority=0 [State 3007, NotHitBy] type=NotHitBy trigger1 =1 value=SCA ignorehitpause =1 [State 3005, AssertSpecial] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = noshadow flag2= Invisible ignorehitpause = 1 [State 3007, DestroySelf] type = DestroySelf trigger1=time>=16 trigger2=root,Movetype=H ignorehitpause =1 I really want this beta to be played this weekend, so any help will be greatly appreciated.
  4. He keeps teleporting away after the state works the first time in each state. I'm trying to work it as his Deadpool's but with separate states.
  5. I can't seem to Code Infinite-Crisis' Deadpool's move correctly. It's not a simple copy and paste job. I'm trying to code them separately as you can see below. Weak means behind Medium means in front Hard means away EX means behind with state 220 on the end. ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;Afterimage (weak) [Statedef 1200] type = S movetype = I physics = N anim = 1200 ctrl = 0 velset = 0,0 poweradd = 72 * !var(20) sprpriority = 1 facep2 = 1 [State 1200, Voice] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem=1 value = 1300,0 channel =0 [State 1200, Teleport Snd] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem=3 value = 1300,1 channel=3 [State 1200, Turn] type = Turn trigger1 = time = 14 [State 1300, PosSet] type = Posset trigger1 =animelem=4 x = Ifelse(!var(10),-200,Ifelse(var(10)=1,0,200)) [State 1200, Helper] type = Helper trigger1 =animelem=4 helpertype = normal ;player name = "Teleport-FX" ID = 1200 stateno = 1240 pos = 0,0 postype = p1 facing = 1 ownpal = 1 size.xscale =.5 size.yscale =.5 persistent=0 [State 1200, End] type = ChangeState trigger1 =!AnimTime value = 0 ctrl = 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;Afterimage (medium) [Statedef 1210] type = S movetype = I physics = N anim = 1210 ctrl = 0 velset = 0,0 poweradd = 72 * !var(20) sprpriority = 1 facep2 = 1 [State 1210, Voice] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem=1 value = 1300,0 channel =0 [State 1210, Teleport Snd] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem=3 value = 1300,1 channel=3 [State 1210, Turn] type = Turn trigger1 = time = 14 [State 1210, PosSet] type = Posset trigger1 =animelem=4 x = Ifelse(!var(10),-200,Ifelse(var(10)=1,0,200)) [State 1210, Helper] type = Helper trigger1 =animelem=4 helpertype = normal ;player name = "Teleport-FX" ID = 1200 stateno = 1240 pos = 0,0 postype = p1 facing = 1 ownpal = 1 size.xscale =.5 size.yscale =.5 persistent=0 [State 1210, End] type = ChangeState trigger1 =!AnimTime value = 0 ctrl = 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;Afterimage (strong) [Statedef 1220] type = S movetype = I physics = N anim = 1220 ctrl = 0 velset = 0,0 poweradd = 72 * !var(20) sprpriority = 1 facep2 = 1 [State 1220, Voice] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem=1 value = 1300,0 channel =0 [State 1220, Teleport Snd] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem=3 value = 1300,1 channel=3 [State 1220, Turn] type = Turn trigger1 = time = 14 [State 1220, PosSet] type = Posset trigger1 =animelem=4 x = Ifelse(!var(10),-200,Ifelse(var(10)=1,0,200)) [State 1220, Helper] type = Helper trigger1 =animelem=4 helpertype = normal ;player name = "Teleport-FX" ID = 1200 stateno = 1240 pos = 0,0 postype = p1 facing = 1 ownpal = 1 size.xscale =.5 size.yscale =.5 persistent=0 [State 1220, End] type = ChangeState trigger1 =!AnimTime value = 0 ctrl = 1
  6. If only she were in Ultra Street Fighter 4 and not Decapre... Though I'm not bashing her inclusion like, just preference.
  7. What? I tried it this morning and said it was deleted. Weird. Oh well.
  8. The 4shared link is down and I can't find this one anywhere else.
  9. The link in the collections thread is broken. Does anyone have him?
  10. Got them. Found another Youruich here http://www.mediafire.com/download/mfnytyyqmyj/Yoruichi.rar
  11. These ones in particular. Nemu Kurotsuch by Egilboi22 Shunsui Kyōraku by Giovanni Yoruichi Shihouin by Alchemist
  12. Got them. Thanks a million. Now I'm looking for Real Bout Fatal Fury 2's Li Xiangfei and Rick Stowd's stages, but I can't find them anywhere again.
  13. I can't find his stage anywhere on the internet. Either from Sela or Swipergod will be great, please.
  14. Well that's one down for Mai-Ling/Kongou. Any luck with the others, people?
  15. I see, so do other characters share stages too? (Never played this, so I'm new to it.)
  16. Think you might be able to do portraits of the Shadaloo Dolls? The ones left are Enero, Marz, Aprile, Satsuki, Santamu, Jianyu, Xiayu and Decapre. The ones I have are too chibi (Decapre's a bad UDON port). The portraits need to look normal.
  17. Found one. Out of curiosity, whose stage is it for the game?
  18. I can't seem to find the stages for: Leo Kenji Tessa Hauzer Kongou I found stages for the other characters, it's the ones above I'm looking for. If stages are found, I'll strike them out.
  19. Yep, this again. Though more specifically, I'm looking for Necro's stage from New Generation, or Second Impact. Can't find these anywhere.
  20. Like I said, I completely forgot about that site. XD.
  21. I forgot about that site, thanks. Edit: All links still work. Though we need like a collections sub-section for the stages for easier access like the characters.
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