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Everything posted by Rozalyne

  1. Hahaha, that's adorable. But she looks so cute and innocent, no one would believe without witnessing it for themselves. xD
  2. I took this picture when I turned twenty-two, which was a couple weeks back. I think I'll be one of those people playing MMO's at age forty. Lmfao Awww, she's super cute, Zombeh. o:
  3. I think my self confidence went from not having any, to being really narcissistic at times. ;A;
  4. I consider myself really smart. I take pride in my intelligence and get offended when someone insults it. I didn't really start caring about my looks until college. All through high school I had bad hair, bad skin and had a very unhealthy diet. So I was unlucky in all those departments. xD Now, years later of working on my appearance, I can look in the mirror and say 'Damn, I look fine today.' Lol. But then as usual it starts to rain or it's super windy and everything goes to ruins. =w=
  5. Mhmm.~ I care about my appearance now, but I'd still like to be liked for my personality and not looks. :3
  6. I don't want surgery. I'm too chicken for things like that. I'd rather stick to glasses. I think surgery should be for those who really need it. Just make sure s/he knows they're doing. / Paranoid person. I think my glasses make me look like some librarian in a cheap porno. ;o; But that's just my opinion on the matter. I'd rather look intelligent than cheap. Hahaha. Thanks, Zombeh.~ : )
  7. Hahaha, nice. XD Glasses sometimes make people look better, and other times they don't. I guess it depends on the style. My friends say that my glasses has become a part of me. That I look odd without them. Lol.
  8. Yeah, I think it would be awkward, but that's just me. & Thanks. : ) I'm not liking my glasses lately. I want a new pair. I've had these for three years now. @o@;
  9. I've never been called hot. Not sure I'd want to be called hot by strangers anyway. This is one of my favourites because I'm actually smiling. Lol.
  10. Hahaha. Cat nip. xD That may be a problem, but not mine. Lol.
  11. I put it in spoilers because the image was too big and I was too lazy to edit it. =o=; I have a smaller one that isn't too huge, but I has to find it first.
  12. I suppose people get curious. o.o Murrr... I guess I'll post a picture. Most recent one I have, anyway. Testing out my new contacts. : ) Edit: Took off spoilers. ;A;
  13. Bleh, post your pics thread. :c Always find one in every forum I join.
  14. I knew he wasn't dead... It was too good to be true. >.>
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