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  1. Upvote
    Sweets reacted to PlasmoidThunder in Sound tools   
    I'm afraid I can't help you in that regard, as I too have no idea where to get them outside of ripping them from the game yourself.
  2. Upvote
    Sweets reacted to Ryon in in need of a simple code.   
    I assume you mean to knock them into the air.
    in which case add fall = 1 to the hitdef, and set your ground.velocity = -1,-5
    change -5 and -1 to desired distance.
  3. Upvote
    Sweets reacted to PlasmoidThunder in Sound tools   
    Literally open your .mp3 up and resave as .wav.
    Heck, you can even batch convert to .wav.
  4. Upvote
    Sweets reacted to Ryon in binding an animetion to char   
    you can use a bindtotarget code or a posset code.
    [State 0, BindToTarget] type = BindToTarget trigger1 = !time time = 99 ID = -1 pos = 0,0,Mid or [State 0, PosSet] type = PosSet trigger1 = 1 x = target,pos x y = 0  
  5. Upvote
    Sweets reacted to ShinLucho in Help with projectile coding   
    Your helper is already simple, it just need some fixs
    ;Projectile helper
    [statedef 222]
    type = A
    movetype= A
    physics = n
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 230
    sprpriority = 2
    velset = 0,1
    [State hitdef]
    type = HitDef
    trigger1 = !time
    attr = S, NP
    hitflag = maf
    animtype = Medium
    damage = 200,0
    guardflag = MA
    pausetime = 1,1
    sparkno = s1
    hitsound = s5,2
    guardsound = s6,0
    ground.type = high
    ground.slidetime = 0
    ground.hittime = 0
    ground.velocity = 0
    air.velocity = 0,0
    [State to exploding state]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = movecontact
    trigger2 = vel y > 0
    trigger2 = pos y > -vel y
    value = 223
    ;Exploding projectile
    [statedef 223]
    type = A
    movetype= A
    physics = n
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 240
    sprpriority = 2
    velset = 0,0
    [state safe pos ground]
    type = posset
    trigger1 = !time
    trigger1 = pos y > 0
    y = 0
    [State end]
    type = DestroySelf
    trigger1 = !animtime
  6. Upvote
    Sweets reacted to ShinLucho in Help with projectile coding   
    I think this trigger is the one that doesn't work properly. It tries to resolve the condition pos y > 5, then divide it with vel y, and then check if the result is greater than -5. Its odd if you only want to check if the helper hit the ground.
    You can use
    trigger1 = pos y >= 0
    trigger1 = vel y > 0
    trigger1 = pos y > -vel y
    as alternative to that trigger. First one is simpler, but can allow the helper go below the ground very often. Second one is what I'm using and works pretty well, took it from here. Anyway, on state 224 you're resetting its pos y to 0, which is great because you're preventing it to go below ground.
    Keep in mind that multiple helpers are generated every tick on state 221.
    Edit: Or you can just replace / with && and it will work fine :P
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