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Everything posted by MKJ

  1. Geez, could've been a little less Simon cowell about it. I'm not good with portrait editing anyway, I'll change it. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//sleep.png But thank you for portrait. DL link updated, portrait has been changed.
  2. OK, DL link has been updated: I have checked the big portrait size and my portrait size is indeed 120X140 already - I am not really sure why it is being shown as a bigger portrait if it is already 120X140 standard. he can now recover from fall (use z button before landing) AI has been patched chaindrive lvl 2 changed to DF, F, DB, B, z new special not executable in air, nor through AI phase_x special changed a little heat aura does not promote opponent to block
  3. • Sorry about portraits, thought it was standard since my screenpack displayed it as such. What is the standard size? • the flame sounds are of a crackling fire effect, you know the crackling sound in a fire? I'll probably replace some of them later anyway • I noticed the aura problem before and I haven't gotten to it, I apologize. Will work on it. • Are you able to do the special move yourself as well? Or is it just the AI? Nevertheless, I'll fix it momentarily. I've patched 1.3 special move, AI and supers and will update link.
  4. [Preview] I'd post a video but my PC cannot handle it. [Download] http://www.mediafire.com/?58cu9osb3aslg15 [Comments] Made alot of exciting changes in this update: • replaced almost all of effects with hi-res effects • special superspark effects and supercancel, dreamcancel effects • new looking level 1 chaindrive and fixed other supers • new special move (D, DB, x/y) • added HSDM portraits in my own kind of style What's next? • working on chain link supers as we speak • New HSDM supers in progress • More intros and endings • pondering about lvl 5 final super blowout move... Requested mainly. If anybody has any suggestions feel free to give feedback! http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png
  5. Mugen 1.0 still has issues in sound buffer, as well as the movecontact/movehit issue regarding the process of creating move chains and combos and plenty of other problems. This is why I still use winmugen with FF Ultimate 2.6 (which I've used since I started mugeneering). If these problems are fixed in 1.1 then I will happily switch over. One more thing, will this version allow me to or ever provide: • The option to insert entire groupno of sprites into an Anim when editing animations instead of adding each sprite of the group individually? • allow me to move group sprites with the proper sort (like moving char sprites that were placed with explode effects next to the rest of the other char sprites, other than using the sprite organization feature) • provide playback of sounds I want to use in CNS when frequency of sound has been altered? • add angle change to rest of group sprites when first sprite angle is altered? Other than angle controllers. I would be a very happy person if these were available.
  6. [Preview] still lots more coming-- [Comments] heres a few changes: *changed the heatdriver move into a much better looking one *changed final heatdrive and lvl 2 chaindrive to look better as well *tweaked AI, a little better * added new special, DB x/y *changed his intro into something much better gotta change crimson star road to my liking, make another lvl 1 and chain links then off to real business... [Download] http://www.mediafire...piqejp1apzd9y3n
  7. K-blood and zero NightDyne aren't private I know that. But the char BLOO by an unknown author is private K' with some nice looking moves. You can type in either BLOO vs Element or mugen master of wind to see him on YouTube. I couldn't find him anywhere else, unless he is on a Japanese/Chinese forum. So based on the vids I just implement some of his moves into my K'. But i Also make bunch of original moves as into K' as Well, not just those chars.
  8. What I mean by those chars is the concept, I'm not gonna make him spammy or crazy stupid, I still want him to have some sense. I wanna implement chain link supers and such and nice looking effects. If I make a lvl 1 super, then I will make an extension super that is only available after the previous super. Kinda like Iori's maiden smasher extension but I want to also make a final extension after that maybe to make it a lvl 3 final extension. This really hasn't been done much as far as I have seen in Kof projects. Maybe in some cases but not very much. Oh and I've got some plans already for some original special move startoffs for those moves I am going to make. Still hard though due to the fact that I'm a beginner and all http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png
  9. 6 in 1 (or down to 4) is based on previous K' chars, yes. But also based on K' edits, like K-BLOOD, Zero NightDyne, BLOO (private char I don't even have) and other K' private edits I have seen but are not available to the public. I want to bridge that gap of privacy and give the people to experience of that char through my K'. This don't seem much like him though, but believe me if I were able to change his sprites to look like somebody else to make it seem like a crazy clone I would. But I don't have the skills to do so. Otherwise I would have him be just that.
  10. Okay, as far as some people know, I am making a K' that I plan to rise above all other K' chars I have seen out there. Making him like a 4-6 K' in 1 and even more, with chain link supers and much more! Inspired by: Ahuron,Samsouji,Jin,character-Joutenchi,Ultrasonic50,character-Kyo Type U... I just wanted to get Anyones feedback on some moves I am thinking about putting in and if anyone has thoughts about chain link extensions for his moves: I am making a new lvl 1 move, original: K' initiates by dashing towards opponent then delivers a low hit while dashing then delivers his one inch punch move. At that point, K' then makes the molecules kineticly excited and phase through the opponent while at the same time his molecules violently hit against the opponent causing damage. Once he phased behind opponent, he hits him two times in the back and rises to the head and hits again with his leg. He charges his leg back and then smashes his head downward causing the enemy to be smashed along the floor. This, along with the other moves I made will have some chain link extensions. I just need to figure out what kind of things I should do. Any suggestions anyone? http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png
  11. Updated link on first post, should work now.
  12. Yeah I know about the overpowered problem, I'm trying to tone him down a little bit cuz his heatdrives can become really unfair.
  13. The EXTINCTION font effect was not my creation, it was by a good designer named Samsouji (Jay6025). I Just implemented it into my char. And I did not know about removing the pause menu, I will remember that in the future.
  14. Rules have been noted, first post changed
  15. [Preview] Due to crappy computer, I am not able to present any videos of said char for proper demonstration... [Download] http://www.mediafire.com/?58tsk3oy9b68d9j [Comments] here are the following changes and future changes - swapped supersparks with better ones - swapped some flame effects - removed both lvl 5 HSDM moves, if you still want them rename previous char. - added two new lvl 3 HSDM moves, Final Heatdrive extension + Violent Combination: Final = C button during lvl 2 chaindrive second half (after K' phases through opponent) VC = D, DB, D, DB, z - added new lvl 1 move, Burning Mirage: D, DB, D, DB, x/y - changed AI a little, not enough though its not my strongsuit - changed some specials = need to change intro cuz I have to admit, its kinda crappy = need to change lvl 2 heatdrive... cuz its crappy --; = need HSDM portraits = need more flame effects, already in progression = adding 2 more HSDM's, lvl 2 heavensdrive, chain link supers, Purple Neomax BG = change AI, indefinitely = add more specials, already got some ideas and plans IM A BEGINNER AT THIS STUFF, SO IF YOU SEE SOME CRAPPY PROBLEMS HERE JUST BEAR WITH ME.
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