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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. What program do people use to get the Palette on the bottom row? I've been trying to use gimp but it always puts all the colors on the top row.
  2. Can anyone make me some nightmare luffy sprites in Gigant battle style? Would be nice to have walking dash block jump punches/kicks few sword attacks one where he's holding a bow\arrow.
  3. opengl works fine and my graphics card supports it but that wasn't the problem anyway. Thanks @NotAGoodName
  4. http://teamonepieceos.ucoz.es/load/stages/going_merry/2-1-0-16
  5. my graphics card does support opengl.
  6. yeah that fixed it seems to be the light from a sun in the stage, changed the sprite to green or something when in opengl. any idea why?
  7. I added some older stages to 1.1 mugen and some of them seem to have this weird green image somewhere on the stage i looked in the .sff and its not in there, and it doesnt appear on mugen 1.0 either.
  8. i know i wasn't. Its a palette problem though i still have no idea why it choses to do it only in simul mode and not turn. I just opted to create a duplicate sprite and use a higher number. (had to do this 2 times since i did 3 first then realized all wenchu's characters use that sprite)
  9. is there a way to make it not use palette for simul?
  10. but then why would it only do it for simul and not turn? They use the same portrait.
  11. i have it at the end of the file but it still does it. i'd really like to know why it only messed up for the simul and not turns when they use the same one. im using FF3 is that the problem? Should i use ultimate?
  12. When i am doing a simultanious 2v2 battle for some reason my small portrait gets messed up (9000,0) But it looks fine in the select screen, and also it looks fine during turn battles. this is it messed up this is it working in turn fights ( you can see the cpu that was set to simul is still messed up)
  13. So hes going to draw his swords or are they just going to appear out of thin air?
  14. i have a few aces that are decent. Gamerxp's is alright, although the burn everytime he punches is quite annoying to fight against. Also have one by "the_monster" don't know who that is but its probably the best one i've come across so far. And then theres OPT (One piece travel) one i have, its alright nothing special. This one looks great though, btw the sprites have already been ripped at the sprite database, why don't you use those?
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