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Posts posted by llyyr

  1. Yeah, the reason is that Ryon is NOT a web developer and doesn't understand the inner workings of a website past very basic html, not including semantics. He didn't code this forum. The software is pre-built and has a feature set that, while can be extended, doesn't come with everything you'd want right out of the box. That functionality would have to be found and tweaked. If done manually, future forum updates can render those changes useless. Therefore, the best way to handle something like that is to find a plugin or extension that provides said functionality and install it. I can't say (at the time of writing) if something like this exists or not.

    IPB has a big community. I am sure there are many plugins to do that. If there aren't, just write your own. It shouldn't be hard. All you have to do is check UserIDs. If the UserID of the person +/- repping is the same as the UserID of the person who is being repped then it would display a message saying "You can't do that" or whatever.


    Reason why I prefer MyBB and/or vBulletin over IPB. Although IPB has a easy to use admin panel but I don't believe the API is that well documented, at least the last time I checked.

  2. Actually, the characters are just decoration. And the gradient is the background.

    Only if you put all three together (logo, decoration, background), you get a banner.

    You do realize that the background and your so-called decoration are a single image.


    Yeah, I like the idea it sorta symbolizes what mugen is, random people from random places.


    and guys regarding the banner the actual name of the file is "branding_bg" sooooo thats technically our BRAND, not our banner.



    "Branding" as in the logo. It's basically the logo bg.





  3. Basically, the new background Ryon added to the logo is pissing me off because it's not wide enough for high res screens. If your monitor's width (in pixels) is more than 1440, then it'd appear like this:
    As you can see, it's not really stylish and kind of annoying to see. I tried to talk to him about making a high res version of it but he said:

    [6:50 PM] Ryon Persaud: im not gonna change it, just because 1 person has a issue with it

    So I had no choice but to fix it from the client side.
    I made a Greasemonkey script to fix this, if there are anyone else with high res screens and are annoyed by this, keep on reading.
    In short, all you need to do is download Greasemonkey (for Chrome or Firefox) and paste the following script in it.

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name        MFFA Logo something idk
    // @include     http://mugenfreeforall.com/*
    // @grant       GM_addStyle
    // ==/UserScript==
    GM_addStyle("#branding { background: #0f3854 url(http://i.imgur.com/wtxOQcR.png) repeat-x !important; border-bottom: 1px solid #1b3759 !important; min-height: 64px !important; }");

    And press "Save".
    You can replace the "url(http://i.imgur.com/wtxOQcR.png)" with an even wider image if your monitor happens to be even larger.
    The title lies, I only did this because I had too much free time. qq

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