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Japanese Thread :)


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Sadly, it is. What I meant is that some people can only talk to other's in a different language by using "crappy translators." Sometimes I am in this situation and I'm sure others are too. My point is that there's no need to make fun of them. That's not directed at anyone. Just a general statement.



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Exactly. Well I studied Japanese for some time, but forgot a good portion of it. If I wanted to speak with BlazeEdge21 or anyone else, chances are they don't know Japanese and they're pretty much forced to use a translator... or ask a friend or something. Another example is with a majority of the Hispanic members on my site. They want to post their comments in English, but have no way of doing so without a translator. So, can it really all be that bad of a thing. Communication is an excellent thing and we should never lose sight of that fact.



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Thank you! :) What's the username you're using. I can activate it right now. It's a possibility that the email might have gotten lost or there was some mixup with the new site being built. Anything could happen, but I'm trying to keep the two separate. My building of the new site, shouldn't affect the old one at all.



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Yeah, it's pretty awesome actually. Translators generally do a bad job of expressing what you really want to say in a different language, so you can always tell (at least with most of the more complex phrases). I was studying for a bit (2.5 years almost) and kind of gave up? I don't know exactly lol. Then, by random I just wanted to learn Russian and have been doing so. Language is fascinating to me. Well, I hate that I ruined your thread once more, but maybe you could start up another one or from this point on with those "few" who can speak Japanese fluently?



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