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I have a programming problem, I hope someone could help me fix it and explain where the error was.

I tried to copy a grab from Komepo (Medium Kick) to Thunderbird (Medium Kick + Strong Kick)

I've already checked the code several times, but I don't understand why P2 doesn't react the same on both characters.


Tengo un problema de programación, ojala alguien pudiera ayudarme a corregirlo y explicarme donde estaba el error.

Intenté copiar un agarre de Komepo (Patada Media) a Thunderbird (Patada media + Patada fuerte)

Ya revisé varias veces el código, pero no entiendo porque P2 no reacciona igual en ambos personajes.




2 answers to this question

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Me trying for fix for you ->



You need to change targetvelset in your [Statedef 819]:


[State 819, State End]
type = targetvelset
trigger1 = Animelemtime(6) = 1
x = 2;7
y = -6


And you may want to add this to your [Statedef 819], for when the thrown opponent is near the corner:


[State 819, Width]
type = Width
triggerall = NumTarget
triggerall = Target, StateNo = 821
trigger1 = Target, FrontEdgeBodyDist <= 50.0
value = 0,50
persistent = 0


Also, your Thunderbird intro state need [Action 193] in Thunderbird.air.

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