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Mugen1_Coruscation w/ 1131 chars (Cheapie Edition)

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I had to come in on the mugen coruscation ride and make a roster for you guys with this screenpack but make it filled with cheapies. if you didn't know many people did use the mugen coruscation screenpack for their winmugen character showcases and such so I decided to just make one except make it available for you all except it's 1.0 and it's an edit made by Oldgamer that was originally 1.1 but, Ismael The Epic converted to 1.0 for me (which shout-out to him because if it wasn't for him I would've never been able to work on this to begin with. 1.1 has so many issues I was about to damn near drop the mugen because the way Oldgamer got it converted, got me confused because in the system.def it says 1.0 but it was 1.1 as he stated) because everyone knows at this point I don't like 1.1 due to it's constant issues it gives. Enough of that let's get to the mugen:


Chars: 1131+ (obv)

Stages: 100+ 

Download Link: So I am doing a new thing with my mugens and that is, the link to the full game of the mugen will be in one google drive link and the backup/secondary option to getting the game will be in parts via mediafire. so, you know what this means, this means full game here and backup option is here: part 1, part 2, and part 3. (remember, clicking ANY of the links that are in parts will lead to an automatic download) 


Kpop Fan | Otaku | Wrestling Fan | Simmer | Discord Bot Developer | Graphic Designer | Mugen Youtuber


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