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Tournament Submission Guidelines


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We have a special format for submitting tournaments. A SpriteClub moderator can directly feed this to the system and easily set up a custom tournament bracket.

Simply get in contact with a SpriteClub moderator to work out any details, preferably via Twitch or Discord, and determine when your tournament can be ran.

Also available on rentry.


User: [Username]

Lets you link the tournament to your SpriteClub username, you should change this to be the name you use for SpriteClub. This will show up when the tournament gets ran.


Size: [8,16,32,64,128,...]

Lets you determine the size of your bracket. It must be a power of 2, such as any of the lengths inside the bracket.


Format: ["single elimination","double elimination"]

Lets you determine whether or not the bracket should be using the formatting of a double elimination type.


Matchup: ["1v1", "2v1", "2v2", "2-turns", "3-turns", "4-turns"]

Lets you determine the team styles of matches in the tournament, see characters to see formatting of this.



Palettes: ["matchmaking", "lowest matchmaking", "custom"]

Lets you choose the palettes of the individual characters. Matchmaking will pick any one of the matchmaking palettes available, lowest matchmaking will pick the lowest of the available matchmaking palettes, while custom lets you choose which palettes to use. If you use custom and you want a character to stick to matchmaking palettes, just use -1.


Team Names
Team names: ["enabled","disabled"]

Lets you determine whether or not to use team names specific to the individual teams, this is good for community tournaments or tournaments with overarching themes of character teams.

Stage: ["random" or a valid stage name]

Lets you choose a stage for your tournament. If you don't want a specific stage, leave it as random. Remember the full name of the stage, as shown in the stage view here.


Shuffle: ["enabled", "disabled"]

Lets you determine whether or not to shuffle/randomize the fights. If left disabled, it will be ran exactly as you put it with the characters, if left enabled, it will be randomized when the tournament gets ran.


Here's a spreadsheet showing a sample setup of characters, palettes, and team names. You can make a copy of this sheet, or copy the values into a text document. Here's the same example in a pastebin.

The same example, but minimal can be found here.


Here are some extra examples:

  • Link - 8-man 1v1 single elimination with random 5th Division characters
  • Link - 16-man 1v1 double elimination 12p with random 5th Division characters
  • Link - 8-man 2v2 single elimination with team names and random 3rd Division characters
  • Link - 16-man 3-turns double elimination with team names, palettes and random 2nd Division characters and a specific stage
  • Link - 32-man 1v1 double elimination with lowest matchmaking palettes, random 1st Division characters, a specific stage and no shuffle
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