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[STAGE] Desert Area Unknown by CoolAnimeHustler


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ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 317th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Today I Brought One Of My MUGEN Stage Experiments That I Threw In The Trash Bin Back To Life! At The Time That I Was Experimenting, I Was Thinking Of Making A Desert Stage In An Unknown Area! When I Finished The Stage It Just Looked... Kind Of Bland. I Decided To Go With Other Options And Went Towards An Ice Themed Stage! As A Result, The Ice Theme MUGEN Stage Paid Off And It Looked Really Good! I Called My Ice Themed Stage "Ice Area Unknown". With This Icy Stage Finished, I Scrapped My Desert Stage In The Trash Bin... But Then I Thought... Maybe I Could Add Some Stars And A Distant Planet In The Distance! I Salvaged My Desert Stage And Experimented With Stars! With A Little Bit Of Determination...  The MUGEN Stage looks Okay! Not The Best But I Thought Of A Plot Scenario In Which A Fighter Maybe Lost In A Desert Area! Other Than That... Just A Basic Stage For Filler In A MUGEN Scenario That Can Lead Into Something! Nothing More And Nothing Less! Have Fun! (o^.^)-b I Made This A Normal Stage And I Messed With The Bounds And Tensions To Make Sure Your Fighters Are Adjusting Properly On The Stage! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! I Guess Another Reason I Saved This Stage From The Trash Heap Is That It Was Very Hot Today! I Guess A Desert Came To Mind And I Looked In My Trash Bin To See If I Could Do Something With A Past Failure Or Canceled Project! Looks Like The Desert Stage Themed Got Lucky! Yay And All That Jazz! LOL! (¯) Enjoy Another Outdoor Themed Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”.



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