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[STAGE] Rooftop Confessions by CoolAnimeHustler


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ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 316th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! I Finally Finished My 316th MUGEN Stage For The MUGEN Engine! I Wanted To Create Another City Theme Stage For All Of You Awesome MUGEN Fans, Youknowwhatimsayin!? So... I've Been Inspired By... Watching Romance Anime... Shojo Themes You Know... Man Confesses To Woman, Woman Confesses To Man And Etc... So It Got Me Thinking Of A Plot Scenario In Which... Your MUGEN Fighter Confesses Something Towards Another Fighter On A Rooftop! It Could Be Love, It Could Be Joy, It Could Be Sad, It Could Be Bad, It Could Be Funny, It Could Be Dark, it Could Be Important, It Could Be Threatening, It Could Be Confusing, And It Could Be... Anything! A Confession Has become Part Of The Battlefield Now And Two Fighters Are Processing This Communication In Which A Fight Will Begin In The Early Hours Of The Evening! I Think This Would Be A Good Plot Scenario In A MUGEN Game So Adds More Story To A Fighter's Quest, You Know. Well MUGEN Fighters... Do You Have What It Takes To Confess Your Thoughts Or Feelings To Your Opponent? The Clock is Ticking And I See Your Sweating Bullets! LOL! Good Luck! (o^.^)-b I Made This A Normal Stage And I Messed With The Bounds And Tensions To Make Sure Your Fighters Are Adjusting Properly On The Stage! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! You Know... I Have A Confession... It's Pretty Lame... I Love To Eat Soup With a Fork! I Just Feel... Comfortable With It You Know... It Can Be Any Soup And I Feel That A Fork Is The Perfect Tool For The Situation! But I Just Feel Like A Spoon Just Doesn't Feel Right... Heh Yeah... Oh Well! Have Fun And Keep Being Awesome! LOL! (Embarrassed) (¯) Enjoy Another City Themed Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”.



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