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Issue with loading the Mugen Generation SP screenpack in MUGEN 1.1



I never thought I would have to make an forum post about this, since I can usually handle MUGEN related things on my own, but here I am anyway.

So, I recently tried to upgrade from MUGEN 1.0 to 1.1, you know, the official beta version and went about reinstalling some of the things I deleted during the process of that upgrade, one of which was the old screenpack I was using. Now, in MUGEN 1.0 it has been working perfectly fine and as far as I can tell it should be compatible with 1.1, because menu and everything loads in fine. The problem is that, for some reason, the lines in select.def relating to empty spaces on character selection screen are being detected as if they were character .def files that can't be loaded? It's confusing. The screenpack I'm using is Mugen Generation SP by EXShadow and uploaded to Mugen Archive by Justice (I know you guys aren't big fan of that site on here but that is where I downloaded the screenpack from, I hope that's okay). I'm linking both select.def and mugen.log files in full for analysis in links below, any help will be greatly appreciated!


Select.def file:



Mugen.log file with the message about the problem:

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