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Winmugen Unknown Roster w/ 100+ Nuke/Null/Void/Postman/Supernull Cheapie Chars

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You know those mugen cheapie showcase/preview videos you see on Youtube and you see them using a winmugen roster like this? well, this is one of them and the roster is made by me and compiled by me and it's now available for DOWNLOAD. enjoy the chance to finally play those insane, evil jumpscare crazy cheapie mugen chars in your very own pc! it's best to watch the preview of this said mugen so you can at LEAST see what you're about to download. there's a cheapie of EVERY kind in this roster except for ofc dragon tiers (because bish I am not that type of person to share LITERAL malware 😄 


Note: if you're a cheapie mugen character connoisseur you're free to use this link here Cheapie | MUGEN Database | Fandom to look at the tiers of cheapie chars and you can decide if you feel like I missed a character of a specific tier or not 😄

Link to get this disaster I mean amazing mugen is here  


Kpop Fan | Otaku | Wrestling Fan | Simmer | Discord Bot Developer | Graphic Designer | Mugen Youtuber


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On 9/19/2024 at 5:33 AM, LATER HERO said:

The download link provided redirects to a page with the message "This file no longer exists" Do you have any other alternate link? PLEASE 🙏

Link is updated in the description.

Kpop Fan | Otaku | Wrestling Fan | Simmer | Discord Bot Developer | Graphic Designer | Mugen Youtuber


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