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Mugen Fighting Jam - Cheapie/Null/Nuke Chars Edition (DOWNLOADABLE)


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 Hi, it's been a while since I've posted another thing here right? lol. well I am back with a new but interesting submission. this mugen was actually requested by kryptonian_messiah from my discord server. he wanted a mugen rosters filled with cheapies, nulls and all the other craziness I DID in fact do something like this before with a touhou winmugen but to them that was not enough chars lol either way... I am sharing this because I know this might be some of you guys favorite thing. so other than that, here is the info:


CHARS: 500+ chars


STAGES: 10+ stages


LINK(S): You can get the mugen here


1. While the majority of the mugen is consistent of nulls and all types of nulls. it also contains MAINLY cheapies as well so it won't only be like chars tampering with other chars files, glitching mugen, etc etc

2. You MUST watch the video I made in the folder called: "how to backup this game" because some chars will make sure you fuck around and find out fr lol some chars are known to delete the folders of other chars, delete codes of other chars, and doing anything they can do defeat their opponent. they are nulls for a reason.

3. Some chars will not work not because they could be an incorrect version but thats because some chars are simply built like that, they will just crash the mugen or make it unresponsive. (just like what happened in that one part of the video)
as stated before, some gaps will be present in the mugen because some chars require you do some editing of their files or names or overall special instructions to make them appear in the game.

last but not least...

4. I recommend if certain chars you are afraid or hesitant to use (lol like I was ngl) search up a showcase on the character. some chars btw, also contain jumpscares, screamers, ear rape, loud noises and seziure inducing lighting and flickering with their crazy hypers. so I would keep that in mind before playing. selecting a character is like russian roulette. you either pick a character with a one hit ko or your average cheapie or a null character that will either glitch the game, mess with the files of their opponents, create visual glitches and overall mess with the game and even your mental and physical health (if you're epileptic or if horror or screamers/jumpscares are a trigger for you these chars do NAWT care)

Other than that, that is all...there is even a notepad file stating something similar that I've explained so please read that because I am not held accountable for what happens 😄




Kpop Fan | Otaku | Wrestling Fan | Simmer | Discord Bot Developer | Graphic Designer | Mugen Youtuber


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