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Shiro's Stage Edits (Latest: Bridge Zone by WF4123)


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I had hopes a few years ago to start doing stage edits, but never really took off with that idea. Recently, I got inspired to do another edit and decided to make a thread for them, should I get the kick to edit more.


Bridge Zone, Originally by WF4123
The original stage was very bare-bones, but I felt there was a base for something good there so I started making adjustments and adding stuff. I have a soft spot for the 8-bit versions of Sonic 1, and Bridge Zone is one of the stand-out zones from them (mostly for its great music).
Download here!


Skyrim Stages, Originally by DavisMaximus


I did these edits years ago during one of my many Skyrim kicks. Always been fond of these ones and wanted to update them for 1.1, while giving a couple touch-ups here and there.
Download here!



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