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Ness's Offical Thread - Character Edits - Stage Edits - Small & Large Portraits - Misc. Stuff


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(Copied from the 'Guild)


"I've been meaning to start this topic for a multitude of years now ..."

So, I've phased in and out of the community over the course of the last 10/15 years (give or take), and I've always flirted with the idea of starting my own thread.  In this thread; which I somewhat hope to keep organized to a degree; I'll be hosting various edits of existing characters I've done (mainly graphical and sound related), palettes, sound files, small portraits, large portraits, stage edits, and anything else I happen to see/remember I've done/made/edited over the years on my PC.  I obviously am not coder, I am very.. VERY entry level at it, thus again most of this is going to be on the aesthetic side, however ... this game/engine has always been a super fun hobby/passion of mine, and an escape from the daily reality we all know and love as "life".  With that said ... a few things to note...

1.)  I will do my best to credit anyone who's materials I have used (obviously), and as such the blanket statement is that I did not create any of this stuff from scratch ... PLEASE SUPPORT the official creators/releases etc.  Also, with some small portraits, and I know EVERYONE loves them; I have adapted various art I've seen on here, and other mediums from other creators, to fit specific characters and variants not suit for otherwise; kudos to their original editors/creators.  If you see something, and feel you deserve credit, rather than yelling; just inform me, so I can properly credit you;  Last thing I want is someone thinking I'm claiming to have drawn some of this stuff, I do take a bit of time converting stuff as my eye site is awful, and it's a tedious process at times, however; someone before me took the time to make the originals; as such; I have no problem paying proper respects.  Also, we're not getting paid for editing stuff, so it's not like I stole your money, it's for a free game.  Please don't come at me with a knife or a rolling pin.

2.)  Some edits will indeed come with various portions edited; meaning rather than host a separate sound file / sprite file / palette folder etc., it'll just be lumped as the character mentioned.  With that said; I may or may not (depending on time constraints), be able to eventually host individual files (specific palettes etc.) ... It all just depends on the amount of free time I have.

3.)  Requests ... I'm flirting with, as of now I don't have anything I'm currently taking; however that time may come.  I'll do my best to keep anyone who takes the time to check this stuff out updated of course.

4.)  When it comes to a specific character's edit I have done, I typically try to get the most recent version -or- best version (player preference really ..), and if a major update to the original happens, I typically end up going through said process of editing again.

5.)  ANY stage edit I do, typically the inspiration is random and completely sporadic, so with that ... I don't know how often I'll add/edit more.  Not that I have made an absolute TON, but at the same time, I figured anything I have done; someone may enjoy it or want to check it out.  So theres that.

6.)  As I am again, pretty novice level when it comes to coding, any errors found in specific characters original forms, possibly will be present in the edited counterparts I may host; again I am just editing things for fun, I don't expect any super high level of praise, a cult following, an award, or anything ... so please, keep in mind that it's my way of I guess ... giving back (not that I consider it much) to a community that has always kept me entertained, and got me through some VERY long days.

7.)  For character edits. I do have Youtube channel, I have uploaded various videos showcasing edits I've made, however if anyone has the desire, finds liking to something I've made, and creates a showcase video of any kind, and wants to let me know, I'll gladly use it,  I've had a few people do this for me in the past, however this is like my first official attempt and creating a thread/hub for ALL of my stuff, so going forward I'll be utilizing this page as my main page.  So if there's one already in existence, please let me know, and obviously it'll be appreciated, and credited.

... Okay, enough of that ...

*Also, this main post will typically be where new content is added; I'll post below notifying when I've added additional content, with that said ... it's going to be a work in progress over all; don't expect everything to be loaded in one day; I do have quite a bit of random stuff to add on here, but again I do want to share what little bit I've learned how to do/made/edited, with my fellow peers on here.*


Small Portraits:


Menat by Chuchoryu

Rashid by Chuchoryu

Rain by "Magno César"

SFV Akuma by Lessard

Boss Sagat by Kamakaze

Able by Chuchoryu

Sagod by dark-shade

Nega Joe by Kamkaze

Oni by Lessard

Vega II by Mr. Karate/Pots (will work for vanilla pots-Vega)

Evil Dan (or Dan) by Mr. Ansatsuken

Android 16 by Mister07

Ermac by Reixseiryu

Imperfect Cell by Chuchoryu

Android 17 by Chrono_Strife and Neocide

Donovan by Zelgadis296+gui0007

Anakaris by varo_hades

Queen Bee by varo_hades

Rikou by Splode

Necalli by Chuchoryu

Heihachi by Lessard

Lin by Reddbrink

Dragon Soul by Psyperion

Pyron by 20xx and Shin Maker

Retsu by Lessard

Large Portraits:



Gouki by Fayt

One of, the MANY Akuma/Gouki edits/mods/graphical updates I have worked on and had lying around on my computer for some time.  As I've previously stated above; nothing done with the coding; this one; like most of my work; is pure cosmetic.  Hitsparks, Supersparks, FX re-coloring is the main portion of the graphical update.  I will say this, his palettes; we're a pain to figure out, not only did each of the 12 technically have 2 palettes in one, but figuring out the table and being able to make the palettes look bareable, along with seeming partially-seemless with the random SF3->CvS2 transitions (his run, misogi etc.) were enough to warrant not just releasing the palettes on their own in my opinion.  His .SND file, was completely overhauled and arranged by me as well.  I'm attempting to develop my own "style", or sub-style if you want to call it that; at least giving them my own little twist; not that I "created" the character, but it's kind of like my own little ... twist I guess.   I hope someone will appreciate this.  As they say ... more to come.

*I may in the future look into creating a better small portrait for him, as well as changing his voice to the English -or- Japanese SF4/SFxT voice set.*






DOWNLOAD:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/46r00iou7me4w0u/SF3Gouki.rar/file

**Also, if you see anything that was yours i.e. the hyper portraits/any FX used; and feel you want credit; please let me know, I am trying to keep this stuff organized and get it loaded up; so if you feel like it's warranted please let me know!**


Buckus's Characters:
Note:  As stated before, this is basically a graphical patch to a handful of some of his characters; just being uploaded as the complete characters; rather than just hosting various piece of them if that makes sense.

Ruby Heart:  Mainly just the re-coloring, and changing of fx, along with an arranged .snd file; utilizing SFV/SFIV/DBZ/SSB/and other various sounds to "enhance" or "breathe new life into" his already fun work.  New large portrait added as well.


Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/xf12l2yufd9hn1f/RubyHeart_DB.rar/file

Eins:  Very much the same treatment of Ruby Heart.  New large portrait, changed fx. and new .snd file (side note; sthe original files are still included as well.


Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/1qc13lmr3279sy0/Eins.rar/file

Victor Ortega:  Changed fx and .snd


Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/q5fnoc32g72nxjh/Ortega.rar/file

Asura:  12 New Palettes, New Large Portrait, fx edited and new .snd; spent quite a bit of time making sure everything looked ... nice lol.  AI patch is also included I believe; credit goes to the coder.


Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/o1mmqusureek96u/Asura.rar/file

Scorp:  Same as Ortega; mainly new sounds and changed fx


Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/6wcfjhog1dbickl/Scorp.rar/file

Cyclops:  New large port, added color-separtion; made a few new palettes, new sound file, new fx.  Credit goes to the person who made the CS patch; will research and added eventually.  Also, I believe "Longnair" deserves credit for the "optic blast" snd fx I used.


Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/l69p5qcuf768ub9/Cyclops.rar/file

Tiger:  Same treatment as Scorp/Ortega/Ruby/etc.


Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/31ud90abl82p66f/Tiger.rar/file

Ghostkick:  Same as Tiger.


Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/2yhao0vj4ncig0v/Ghostkick.rar/file

Marrow:  Similar to Cyclops; CS patch added; credits go to the creator.  New sounds/fx


Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/altrpe5u1v4plsl/Marrow.rar/file

Captain America:  Same as Ruby Heart; as a newer creation of his, he was considered incomplete; but he always felt just fine to me!


Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/epk2b51ox1s6w5u/captainamerica.rar/file

I may or may not revist these down the road, I know some of them have been adapted to a more modern "pots-style", however if they're here in this post, I probably chose the keep Buckus' originals for one reason or another.  I've always loved his work, and this was my way of paying tribute to him; by kinda' giving his stuff a face-lift so to speak.  I don't know if others will share the same appreciation for these as I do; but I had fun editing them the bit that I did.




No rhyme or reason, no theme, and no predictable future as to what I may or may not do next.  I for sure don't see these as anything immaculate, however someone somewhere may enjoy them.  I had fun editing some of them, and just exploring what can and cannot be accomplished with minor sprite swapping and re-coloring.


Asura Stage - Burning Osaka (Red Variant)
Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/xukv3hzj9wq4wjd/AsuraStage.rar/file

Calm Night (Originally "Batlle of Brothers", I believe ... I just wanted the ground to match.)
Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/yl2q0eyw9k8v074/Calm_Night.rar/file

Cresaptown, Marlyand (Stage creator stage; little nod to the hometown where I grew up.)
Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/jopk8awvyeyfd2r/Cresaptown_Road.rar/file

CvS Shrine (Quick MKvsSF.. and KoF.. edit)
Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/mjvbz01vlaabpax/CvS-Shrine.rar/file

Green Kiga Cave (Saw a Green Kiga Cave stage ... years ago, couldn't ever track it down, so I just edited one ... figured I'd share.)
Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/lu9uq8gxtgng059/Green_Kiga.rar/file

Helicopter Carrier (I thought a "Night Version" would look cool...)
Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/6d2hmx5jbntyvhp/Helicopter_Carrier.rar/file

SA-X Arena (Made when I was younger, small sprite swap/re-color of an older stage, I thought it was simple but cool.)
Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/gnzv1lfti715ust/Samus-X_Arena.rar/file





Last Disclaimer:  I'm posting this now; mainly because I want to have it saved so I can begin working on getting this stuff uploaded, and actually start adding it, sorting it, uploading etc.  So once more; bare with me on the amount of content, I'm getting there lol

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