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Sango Fighter Special Edition - full game released!


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Hello, everyone!


We at Super Fighter Team are pretty jazzed to reveal our latest passion project to the world: Sango Fighter Special Edition. 😄


Official website and Direct download


You know Sango Fighter, don'cha? Published in 1993 by Panda Entertainment, it was one of the first fighting games to truly make a big splash on MS-DOS based PCs. It certainly left an impression on me, to the point where I acquired the rights to it in 2009 [!].


Now here we are in 2021, and what do we have to show for it? Well... quite a lot, actually.


Our new edition of the game features:


· All of your favorite generals, + that pesky li'l soldier!
· MS-DOS and Super A'can versions of each general, with some BIG differences between 'em!
· A high energy remix of the soundtrack, with add'l tracks.
· Improved, rebalanced fight system.
· We even brought in a Taiwanese voice actor to serve as the fight announcer!
· Oh! And support for 3 languages: English, Chinese, Japanese. Neat!!


So if you've always loved the MS-DOS version of Sango Fighter but it left you wanting more, and / or if you're intrigued by the hobbled Super A'can version but don't want to waste hundreds of dollars to buy it... then I think you'll be fairly pleased with what we've accomplished here. 😉


Ah... but wait! I know what some of you purists might be thinking:


"Bah! What's with all these newfangled 'features?' The original game is fine just the way it is!!" or "What the hell is a Super A'can?!!"


And that's fine, 'cuz we planned ahead for that: In addition to the new & improved "Enhanced" mode, Sango Fighter Special Edition features a "Classic" mode, which ONLY uses content from the MS-DOS version, including 100% hardware accurate recordings of the Ad Lib (YM3812) soundtrack! W0w!


Truly there is something for everyone. It's a Christmas miracle. So! Please try out the game. Share it with your friends. And feel welcome to share your feedback with all of us.


Thanks! Enjoy!! And best wishes for 2022.


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Try our FREE full games for MUGEN & IKEMEN:

Super Fighter Special Edition

Tough Guy: Fighting Titans

Sango Fighter Special Edition


And swing by Diskman Presents : filled with geektastic classic gaming goodness!

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9 hours ago, Meldo said:

that would be disrespectful seeing as one of the coders stated that he doesn't approve of people taking stuff from the games that he had worked on


Hence why I said I'm "waiting" not that I'm "doing". I wouldn't know how to edit these characters, even if I wanted to. So I'll leave that to someone else.

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I don't think you understand what I'm getting at. the reason I'm saying that taking assets (including character code) from people's projects and releasing them outside said projects is disrespectful is because the majority of these projects took months, if not, years to finish.

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8 hours ago, Meldo said:

I don't think you understand what I'm getting at. the reason I'm saying that taking assets (including character code) from people's projects and releasing them outside said projects is disrespectful is because the majority of these projects took months, if not, years to finish.

Meldo, I'm well aware of what is and is not okay to do when it comes to other people's hard work and whether or not I, or anyone else, has permission to tamper with, modify, or re-use their work for our own. But you seem to be responding to me as though that I am going to be doing something with any of this at all.


I can assure you, I'm not. I don't plan on editing this game. I don't plan on stealing or reusing anything from this game. I don't plan on copying anything from this game and turning it into something else. Everything that this game is, will not be modified in any way, shape, or form from my end. That I can assure you.


But me having wishful thinking that other people do these sort of things, doesn't change the fact that, even had I not said that, someone might already be in the works of doing such a thing. After all, there are other full-games, that have been edited from various people online, in order to work with regular MUGEN 1.0/1.1, that is something that happens.


Just because I approve of such actions, doesn't mean I have any control over them. Addressing me on what is right or is wrong, doesn't change what is and isn't. I cannot control what others do, and my suggestions, don't make a difference to whether or not they get done.


Believe me, I appreciate your concern and thoughts brought into this conversation, but they seem to be directed at the wrong person, as I have absolutely 0 skill in making, edited, or even doing any kind of work regarding MUGEN at all. Hell, I can't even make palettes work.


If you are this concerned about the possibility of people editing or stealing or abusing someone's hard work, then I would strongly suggest making a public notice or thread about this, perhaps have a discussion with the staff to hopefully promote this line of thinking and perhaps change someone else's mind, someone whom actually contributes to the creation process of MUGEN itself.


All I do is host/re-host content, nothing more, nothing less.



Once again, I am aware that taking someone else's hard work is NOT OKAY, but this doesn't mean it isn't going to happen eventually. I have no control over that.


Addressing me on the moral aspect of this, does not change who is going to view this game in their own light and change how others can enjoy it.


That'd be like telling someone who plays pirated video games that those games are bad, expecting that to somehow stop people from pirating games.




Also... what you just said, literally makes no goddamn sense to have a moral opinion on. MUGEN is literally made from "stealing" assets from games and putting them onto this fighting game engine, where they would otherwise NOT BELONG. So as much as I even want to be like "hey man, that's a good moral code to stand by", it also makes literally no sense when MUGEN is made from taking assets from other people's games and shoving them into this engine for others to enjoy. So yeah, your point is completely moot and you might as well just have said "nobody should make anything at all for MUGEN", unless you want to justify it being okay to "steal" content from companies so that MUGEN can exist but not "steal" stuff from people within the community so that this same content can exist in different forms or styles.

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I wasn't directing any of this towards you nor did I imply you are planning on editing this game, sorry for being unclear. I wanted to voice my concern about people taking assets from full games that other people had spent years working on.


I understand that there's no way of preventing it from happening, but the majority of these issues caused a number of projects to be cancelled/taken offline and even in some cases made people quit MUGEN altogether.


I apologise for derailing this thread but people taking stuff from large MUGEN projects and releasing them outside their environments is an issue that needs to be addressed.

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1 hour ago, Meldo said:

I wasn't directing any of this towards you nor did I imply you are planning on editing this game, sorry for being unclear. I wanted to voice my concern about people taking assets from full games that other people had spent years working on.


I understand that there's no way of preventing it from happening, but the majority of these issues caused a number of projects to be cancelled/taken offline and even in some cases made people quit MUGEN altogether.


I apologise for derailing this thread but people taking stuff from large MUGEN projects and releasing them outside their environments is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Might want to make a full thread or discussion about this, that way more people can speak their minds openly and get some insight from all angles.

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11 hours ago, DeathAdderSF said:

Sooooo... 🤔


Are y'all enjoying the game? Would def like to hear your feedback.

Is the story mode supposed to be really hard; 'cause if I don't spam fireballs and dragon punches, it's really hard.

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11 minutes ago, katsup said:

Is the story mode supposed to be really hard; 'cause if I don't spam fireballs and dragon punches, it's really hard.


It's definitely supposed to provide a solid challenge, yes. In that it's the more serious gameplay mode, but is shorter because you only face Cao Cao's army, and that it contains the more detailed ending.

Try our FREE full games for MUGEN & IKEMEN:

Super Fighter Special Edition

Tough Guy: Fighting Titans

Sango Fighter Special Edition


And swing by Diskman Presents : filled with geektastic classic gaming goodness!

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  • 1 month later...

We've since released an updated version with a few bug fixes. Same download link as in the first post.


Also! Fighter biographies w/complete special & super move lists are available on our website. Each one includes cool new pixel artwork of the fighters, based on the hand-drawn artwork from the original instruction manual. Here's a neat example...



Try our FREE full games for MUGEN & IKEMEN:

Super Fighter Special Edition

Tough Guy: Fighting Titans

Sango Fighter Special Edition


And swing by Diskman Presents : filled with geektastic classic gaming goodness!

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