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Yuga the Destroyer (Samurai Shodown) 28 Nov 2020


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Final boss of Samurai Shodown 64, Samurai Shodown 64: Warrior's Rage, Samurai Shodown! 2. Contains almost all moves from all games (in custom style).
I created / finished the uncompleted Yuga by kusaremiyabi - a combined creation. Compatible with mugen 1.0 as well.




[b]Update 28 Nov:[/b]
1. Slowed down big forward beam startup even more. Reduced the height of the hitbox slightly and the vertical size of the beam.
2. Positioned lightning pillar slightly more torward Yuga.
3. Changed Gandara super's voice and increased the time before he lands on ground.
4. Slightly increased the time Yuga stays in the electric / flame barrier stances (after invul frames end) so he can be hit more easily.

5. Fixed animation error with his 5210 and 5200 recovery anims (did not put -1 at the end, leading to weird animation).

6. Fixed big ball's initial explod to not disappear prematurely while Yuga is stuck in enemy's superpause.  (latest filename has a "fix" behind)


Think I'm done with him finally!

Update 27 Nov:
1. 3 new moves.

2. Lightning pillar doesnt home on enemies anymore.
3. Soul crush doesnt hit air, but increased invul frame by 1 tick.
4. Slowed down startup timings of certain moves.
5. Narrowed hitbox of electric barrier slightly, as flame barrier hitbox is much wider.
6. Weaker versions of special moves (forward beam, electric barrier) do lesser dmg.

7. Other fixes including removing debug errors on no bindtoparent, etc.


      F/B + y

      x            -    Light air slash near / far (depending on whether enemy is near or far). Does not knock down.
      B, x        -    Homing slash with slower start-up. Knocks down.
      y            -    Light ground slash near / far (depending on whether enemy is near or far). Must be blocked low. Does not knock down.
      B, y        -    Hard ground slash near / far (depending on whether enemy is near or far). Must be blocked low. Knocks down.
      z or B/F, z     -    Teleport at same position, or back / forward.

      a            -    Electric barrier. Fully invulnerable while electricity is on. Can nullify projectiles.
      B, b        -    Flame barrier. Bigger hit area but slower start up. Fully invulnerable while flames are on. Can nullify projectiles.
      D, a        -    Jump into air and launch 2 arrows downward. Can be hit while jumping up.
      b            -    Summons lightning pillar near Yuga. Not homing anymore. Knocks down fast. Nullifies projectiles.
      B, b        -    Flame pillars. Launches enemy into air slightly. Nullifies projectiles.
      D, b        -    Jump back into the air and dash down. Can be hit while jumping up. If hit, enemy stays paused for some time. Does not knock down.
      c            -    Ground wave. Nullifies projectiles. Knocks down.
      D, c        -    Ground mirror shatter. Launches enemy into air slightly. Must be blocked low.
      B, c        -    Air mirror shatter. Must be blocked high.
      D, x        -    Forward beam. Knocks down fast. Nullifies projectiles at full length.
      D, y        -    Big Forward beam. Slower start-up. Knocks down fast. Nullifies projectiles at full length.

      D, DF, F, x    -    1 power bar. Stops time for short while. Can be repeatedly cast. Each time re-cast, time will resume slightly before stopping.
      D, DF, F, y    -    1 power bar. Unblockable soul crush move. Does NOT hit air enemies now.
      D, DF, F, a    -    1 power bar. Big power ball that nullifies projectiles.
      D, DF, F, b    -    1 power bar. Summons Gandara helper to smash onto ground and trip all ground-level enemies with the impact. Must be blocked low.
      D, DF, F, c    -    2 power bars. Yuga's ultimate blockable move. Teleports into sky and launches a pink ball to ground which explodes and hits full-screen.

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On 11/26/2020 at 9:42 AM, RyochiReturns said:

Shouldn't the Unblockable soul crush move have 2 power bars instead of one? It seems more powerful than the level two one which is blockable.

Nerfed the soul crush move (in the 27 Nov update, amongst other enhancements) by making it only able to hit ground enemies, like in the original game.  It was quite overpowered indeed!

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