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Spooky (Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion) RELEASE - V2


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Heyas peeps! Happy Halloween!
Here I present a character I decided to challenge myself to work on in a span of 10 days!
https://<BLACKLISTED URL>/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=5838&d=1572476152

Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion
If you know the game, you know what's in there. If not... well you'll have to check it out first.

Since I had little time, I had to make this quickly, and didn't had time to polish it. Soooo I gave it my all for this character.


Feedback is appreciated! I may do updates soon! Cheers

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- The machetes are infinites if timed correctly.
- Right now the dodge is a bit unbalanced, since it grants Spooky full invincibility. Most fighting games have it so throw attacks (and nothing else) can hit the character while they're dodging, so I recommend you change the dodge to incorporate that mechanic.
- The helpers could use a damage nerf, plus a cooldown mechanic on them.
    - Optionally, they could also be made hittable.
- The player gains power back from the EX specials and the machete toss hyper.
- The damage on the hypers could be reduced by 200 or so, seeing as they're only Level 1s.
- 2 of the hypers (the multiple machete toss one and Specimen Spectacle) don't have any CLSN2s on Spooky, which isn't a good thing.
- There are a lot of unused KFM sprites in the sff you forgot to delete.


All the feedback I could give for now. A relatively nice and creative character otherwise. Keep it up!

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Updates on Spooky:

-Machete will have a cooldown til' you throw another. No more timed infinites!

-Reduced damage to some specials, hypers and helpers

-Damage Dampaner added

-Added missing colission on Machete hyper


Gotta keep in mind on what else I gotta put in

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