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Retro Starz Mugen (Beta Version Download!!! - 26.01.19)

ramon garcia

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Retro Starz Mugen (Beta Version Download!!! - 26.01.19)

The link of download in description of video ok, please don't post in comments to the people could see the entire video etc

Notes by Retroid84:

One other thing, i set the resolution to 3840x2160 (4K) If you do not have a 4k display then just open the mugen.cfg file and change the resolution to 1920x1080 (1080p) / 1280x720 (720p) etc

What the command to show this options? https://youtu.be/LIz1SFtj5BA?t=1306
@Ramon Garcia - The Home Key on your keyboard it should have Home wrote on it. Should be near the Insert key or page up / page down keys.

Description of video by Retroid84:

Hi guys, sorry it took longer than expected but here is a video showing a couple more stages but the most important thing is that i have at last uploaded this and a link is below for you to download!!! This is what i would call a beta i still have a lot to do but all the stages are done now! There is still some work to do on the screenpack and then i will just focus on the characters (fill all slots, alter code to work properly, big & small portraits etc). I shall be working on this for a long time to come though so whenever i have done enough work to merit an update then i shall upload it and provide a download link on a video same as this one. I also have some info regarding reshade and it's use below so please read this. If you are already familiar with Reshade then you can skip the info. Enjoy! =) **Resahde info- Ok i have created 4 presets, lite nostalgia, full nostalgia, high quality clear image and high quality clear image + fake HDR on (the fake HDR preset is the defualt one and will be running when you start the game) To change presets or settings for reshade then press the HOME button on your keyboard whilst the game is running. Until the box at the bottom that says performance mode then from the drop down list at the to choose what preset you want and change whatever settings you want. When you are done just press the reload button at the bottom then tick the box saying performance mode. You always want performance mode box ticked during gameplay so it uses less resources etc, then just press the HOME button on the keyboard again to exit the menu. At the very end of this video i use reshade to give you an example on the info above. Any problems and just drop me a message. I also now have patreon: www.patreon.com/Retroid84

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