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[STAGE] Quiet Street Brawl by CoolAnimeHustler


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ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 106th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! You Know Me...I Still Love City Environments And It's Time To Give The World Of MUGEN Another City Block! Looking At My Older Stages Such As "Quiet Beach Spot", I Wanted To Give Your Fighters Another Vacant Spot In The City With No Interruptions! I Gave The Stage A Super Jump And As Always I Messed With The Bounds And Tensions To Make Sure Your Fighters Are Adjusting Well With The Stage! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! Wow...So Far I'm On The Right Track In Creating Stages For You Awesome MUGEN Enthusiasts Out There! Six Stages Completed This Year! Lets See If I Can Create Another "100" Stages Before The Year Ends! I'm Still Working On A MUGEN Character...Still Failing Hard...But Still Learning New Ways! LOL! Enjoy Another City Theme Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



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