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Crashman (Update 2/8/2019)


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- Updated CLSN boxes for get-hit anims.
- Fixed a glitch that allows crouching Hard Attack to chain into crouching Medium attack.
- Crashman now plays voice sounds less frequently.
- Throw range decreased.
- Fixed a glitch which made Crashman lose hurtboxes during throw start-up.
- Successful throw animation length increased.
- Launcher and Crouching Hard's guard pushback increased. 
- Crouching Hard's hittime increased to 18f.
- Added SFX to indicate hard knockdown after air-combo.


Character Demonstration + Download Link:

The differences between IMT's Crashman and this Crashman:
- Updated with high-res effects (hitsparks, explosions, guard-push effects,...).
- Added new portrait, new anims and new sprites.
- Added 3 new hypers: Crash Drill (from Robot Master Mayhem), Hat Hards and R Destruction Order (inspired from Rockman Megamix Manga).
- Added a new special (Air Strike), inspired from Crashman's attack patern from Rockman 4: Minus Infinity.
- Added special BGM when fighting against Rockman.
- Crash Missle now can be destroyed instead of just passing through projectiles.
- Crash Missles no longer can be used when there are another Crash Missles on the stage.
- Crash Bomber no longer always forces opponents in guarding state.
- Crash Bomber now can be destroyed instead of just passing through projectiles (still deals damage when destroyed).
- Crash Bomber's explosion (any variations) now can hit OTG.
- Now can guard-push mid-air.
- Replaced Hyper Portrait with Zooming Effect.
- Throw now can be teched.
- Throw animation now looks better.
- Fixed numerous bugs with Recovery Roll. Now can perform Recovery Roll by holding F or B.
- Removed the glitched bomb during throw.
- Removed chip damage on normal.
- Twisted frame datas of many moves.
- Fixed many glitches involved with get-hit, dizzy and recovery anims.
- Fixed glitches involved with projectiles not being counted during combos due to glitches related to DestroySelf.
- Damage dampen system's added.
- Removed 2 old hypers (Drill Hyper and Homing Missle) as they aren't themed with Crashman (they are also anticlimactic and I'm not a big fan of that).
- Removed Drill Uppercut because Shoryuken is too mainstream.
- Updated A.I.
- Supported UNO Tag System.

Tag system:
Start - Partner assist
z+c - Tag in/Tag out
D,DF,F,z+c - Tag Team Hyper

- Super Jump.
- Guard Push - x+y/y+z/z+x while guarding.
- Recovery Roll.

X - Weak
Y - Medium
Z - Strong
f.Z (G) - Crash Bomber: Shoots a grappling bomb that sticks in walls or the opponent and explodes after a few seconds. The explosion can hit OTG.
f.Z (A) - Drill Strike: Crashman uses his drill to attack while moving forward for a few frames. Hit multiple times. 
A - Dash
B - Throw (can be teched by opponents)
C - Launcher: can be jump-canceled into air-combo.
a.C - Dive Drill

Crash Missiles (D,DF,F,x/y/z) (GA): Shoot 2 missiles from Crashman's shoulder that flies forward. First missile causes techable knock down. Air-usable. Missile's speed and pushback are depended on the strength of buttons.
Air Strike (D,DB,B,x/y/z) (GA): Crashman quickly jumps then shoots 3 Crash Bombers. The jumping pattern and facing is depended on strength of pressed buttons:
- X version: Jump backward, face forward.
- Y version: Jump forward, face forward.
- Z version: Jump forward, face backward.
Air-usable. Air-version always faces forward.

D,DB,B,D,DB,B,x/y/z - Hard Hats (LV1) (G): Slam the ground to summon 2 assisting Metools. Metools can attack by shooting 3 small bullets everytime they show up. Metools can be taken down in 1 hit but they cannot be harmed when they hide under their helmets. During tag-team mode, Crashman cannot tag-out or call assists if there are Metools alive on the stage. Can't summon more Metools if the previous ones are still alive. The initial slam causes soft knock down. No Metools will be summoned if Crashman is hit before the slam is finished.
D,DF,F,D,DF,F,x/y/x - Crashbomber Barage (LV1) (A): Shooting a barrage of Crash Bombers into opponents. The explosion can hit OTG.
D,DF,F,D,DF,F,x/y/x - Crash Drill (LV1) (G): Taken from Megaman Robot Master Mayhem, Crashman dashes off-screen then returns with a huge drill. Can hit OTG. Has invin during entire start-up and active frames.
D,DF,F,D,DF,F,x+y/y+z/z+x - R Destruction Order (LV3) (G): Based on a similiar attack Crashman used during the fight against Rockman in Rockman Megamix Manga. If hit, Crashman will perform a series of attacks that leave a Crash Bomber on opponents each strike, which will be detonated at once after the final strike. Has start-up invin.

Special thanks:
O Ilusionista and laspacho for the based character.
DivineWolf for the code of R Destruction Order.
RicePigeon for all the basic codes as well as effects.
Me for literally doing nothing other than put the best of the best into this character.

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  • 2 months later...

- Added Taunt.
- Updated with a new damage dampen system.
- Now can perform delayed hyper in Tag Mode.
- Fixed a glitch that made Crashman stay mid-air after getting hit during Crash Drill's recovery.
- Fixed p2 pos during throw animation.
- Fixed the glitch that doesn't allow opponents to tech throw in Simul mode.
- HP reduced from 1000 to 950.
- Crash Bomb no longer causes knock down.
- Crash Drill's damage reduced from 50 to 45.
- Crash Drill now causes untechable knock down.

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