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How to add more slots in MUGEN Roster (1.1)



I need help on coding and I don't know how to configure the select screen by adding more slots (depending on the number of slots) in MUGEN 1.1?


Please help...

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[Select Info]
fadein.time = 10
fadeout.time = 10
rows = 4
columns = 3
wrapping = 0              ;1 to let cursor wrap around
pos = 480,128             ;Position to draw to
showemptyboxes = 1        ;1 to show empty boxes
moveoveremptyboxes = 1    ;1 to allow cursor to move over empty boxes
cell.size = 100,100       ;x,y size of each cell (in pixels)
cell.spacing = 10         ;Space between each cell
cell.bg.spr = 150,0       ;Note: Don't use animation for cells
cell.random.spr = 151,0   ;Icon for random select (don't use animation)
cell.random.switchtime = 4;Time to wait before changing to another random portrait

Go to the following way: your mugen folder/data/mugen/system.def and open it with any notepad program, find that line using CTRL+F and searching {Select Info]

the rows section set how many slots will have in vertical like an Y size coordinate and columns will set how many slot will have in horizontal like an X size coordinate. If you put somethin like 20 rows and 10 columns, multiply it's numbers to have the total char number, change the pos x,y values to adjust it to the screen adequally, you can chage the scale of the slots to adjust it, but the last one is for another topic.

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