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Help, converting Stages to 1280x720 And HDLife Bars (Help to teach how to)



Anyone care to help ?
Well, i'm using this Life Bars on Mugen 1.1 (http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/mugen-1-1-v-hd-lifebars-released-150584.0.html)
http://y41i.imgup.net/LifeBarsWo0e8c.png Got it to work, but i´ve seen that the window didn't work like it sould, and netplay is at middle so i've search a bit...
And end up in this 


And, did what the friend said in a comment to help, change the localcoord on stage and subtract 55 ..
But end up like this ...
Yes the net play is at mid, but the Charaters are bigger and hide the "Power" bar of Gohan

Anyone nows the error ? so i can edit it ?
Thanks a lot Friends, i'm a really quick learner, but i'm still a noobin this mugen stuff :)

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