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How do i make a cheap character that plays music?



I've been wanting to make a cheap character on par with clown v.08 and true god hanyuu that pause the screen and play a song while the opponent takes damage but waits for the song to finish to k.o. For instance, when Clown v.08 is near death a special button combination of a + b + y activates what i call "Absolute one-way street". Clown poses and the screen flashes while absolute one way street plays in the background, your opponent has 999 damage during this and at the end of the song your opponent k.o's. With true god hanyuu she starts the match off pausing the screen while why or why not plays in the background. (My apologies, i don't know how to upload the videos normally so i linked them down below)


True God Hanyuu


"Friends...Those companions you speak of are only friends during those fun, yet unimportant times.  When painful times come, they wont be your ally."

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