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Position helper and not follow camera





Codes used



Q1 I have the sprites of sitting on throne appear twice, once for each fighter. What triggs or other do I have to use to make only one at any time?



Q2 What POSTYPE to always make the sprite in the center as you see it? Or maybe POS = (What expression to be with a fixed location?) (If I use POSTYPE the sprite moves along with the camera which is wrong, I have to not use Postype at all) Different coded chars may have this sprite appear different position when the code is added to their cns, so im trying a fixed location for all.




My code


[State -2,Sitting At Throne Helper]
type = Helper
triggerall = NumHelper(3960) = 0

triggerall = Enemy, NumHelper(3960) = 0 ;Q1 Solved by this
triggerall = P2Name != "Goro"
triggerall = StageVar(info.name) = "MK9 Goro's Lair"
trigger1 = Time = 1
ID = 3960
pos = 0, 0
stateno = -2


[State -2, Sitting At Throne Explod]
type = Explod
triggerall = NumExplod(3960) = 0
triggerall = P2Name != "Goro"
triggerall = StageVar(info.name) = "MK9 Goro's Lair"
trigger1 = Time = 1
ID = 3960
anim = F3960
bindtime = -1
facing = 1
ownpal = 1
pos = -44, -119.5
removeongethit = 0
removetime = -1
scale = 0.2, 0.2

space = stage  ;Q2 Solved by this
sprpriority = -3



1 answer to this question

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I necro this because look I have the same weird problem. A stage that is long on the left and right, has deltas, im adding someone sitting on throne at the center added in the FightFX SFF and Air, and the Explod moves with characters. Is there any way to make the explod completely static, anchored to a position and to go out of the camera that follows characters even to the corner of the stage? Idk how it worked for me in the past maybe the stage did not have deltas or the stage was just center but for this new stage, the Explod is just moving with camera (yes even with space= stage): I mean the Explod moves with characters if it is space = screen and does not move with characters when space = stage but because of deltas the Explod "slides off the throne" all the time.


No I think this is impossible to work.. there is this lousy workaround that I just see, to have another def of the stage that is without the sitting sprite and thus this copy of the stage def will be assigned when the character has to fight, a boss character that will be only fighting on that stage.

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