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batch index sprites using ff3


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it seems there's ppl that indexing sprites 1 by 1
this thread is dedicated for those ppl


let's pretend that you already rip the sprites from the sheet


1.open ff3
2.add one or more sprites,choose the char sheet and add it to the sff
3.click the pal editor,move the background color to the first slot,save the pal and delete the

   sheet that you add earlier
4.hit add one and more palettes,open the recently made pal[make this a proper pal if you

   can,this can be done with ff3 too but i'll say nothing about it]
5.now add all your sprites,on the palette option choose the force the specified palette(adapt

   the image)


notes ; clean the sheet before you do it


i don't know if there's a software that can maintain the color of an indexed sheet when ripping it
if it exist then this tut is kind of useless


if you want to fix a messed up sff this method might help you,but
you need to extract all/some of the char sprites from the sff and make a sheet out of it to make the pal,so you don't miss any color
after that you can add all the sprites via import


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-if the sprites maker know what he's doing it will

-if the sprites ripper know what he's doing it will


but you should take things to consideration if you use this method

let's say you want to fix an sff,but the sff maker messed up real bad

i guess it's just like what you say



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