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The Role-Play Paradise: THE SITCOM!

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On 9/3/2016 at 9:50 PM, TotalDramaXtremist said:



NtutHXe.pngGold is garbage, it melts easily and it is heavier to carry, personally, the best way to carry around money is using THIS! (brings out some rocks) see?, high caliber rocks, these are worth lots in some places

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Just now, OxyontheWolf said:

NtutHXe.pngGold is garbage, it melts easily and it is heavier to carry, personally, the best way to carry around money is using THIS! (brings out some rocks) see?, high caliber rocks, these are worth lots in some places

OOC: um what

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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5 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

WDCHoBOtnjN1h8SWNz0H5OfLmHkV25RuC6MIAGKD No need, actually. Here ya go.


E.T handed Dante 30 dollars.


WDCHoBOtnjN1h8SWNz0H5OfLmHkV25RuC6MIAGKDYou earned it for all the effort.


Oh, alright then.



Guess my debt won't be going up after all.


Dante looks at the time.



Seems to be getting pretty late. When do you think Tommy will be going to sleep?

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Dante continues to stand there with Nightwalker's cat on his head.


Dante's dream

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Huh, what's this all about?


Dante finds himself in a field of pizza and strawberry sundaes.



More pizza, huh? I'm alright with this.



I'd like to see E.T try to eat all this.



Ah well, that's enough pizza for now, guess I'll move on to the sundae!


Dante begins to walk towards a giant sundae. Meanwhile, his brother Vergil can be seen from a distance.



So foolish. He won't even notice the surprise I have laid out for him.


Dante continues to walk towards his sundae.



Come t-


And suddenly Dante slipped up, and landed right on his back.



Argh. Damn banana peel.


Dante's head jumps back up, and the cat jumps down from his head.



Dang it, E.T, you just had to curse my dream, didn't you? It was looking really promising, too!

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