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Multi Hit Attack Help plz?

All Things Gaming 6


I am trying to make an attack hit 3 times, but it only hits twice. Here is the code.


[Statedef 210]

type = S

movetype= A

physics = S

juggle = 4

poweradd= 30

ctrl = 0

velset = 0,0

anim = 210

sprpriority = -1


[State 210, Width]

type = Width

trigger1 = (AnimElemTime (2) >= 0) && (AnimElemTime (7) < 0)

value = 15,0


[State 210, 1]

type = PlaySnd

trigger1 = Time = 2

value = 0, 4


[State 210, 2]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = AnimElem = 3

attr = S, NA

animtype = Medium

damage = 19

guardflag = MA

pausetime = 12,12

sparkno = 1

sparkxy = -10,-70

guardsound = 6,0

ground.type = High

ground.slidetime = 12

ground.hittime = 16

ground.velocity = -5.5

air.velocity = -2.5,-4

forcenofall = 1


[State 210, 3]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = AnimElem = 4

attr = S, NA

damage = 19

animtype = Medium

guardflag = MA

pausetime = 12,12

sparkno = 1

sparkxy = -10,-83

guardsound = 6,0

ground.type = High

ground.slidetime = 12

ground.hittime = 16

ground.velocity = -5.5

air.velocity = -2.5,-4

forcenofall = 1


[State 210, 4]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = AnimElem = 5

attr = S, NA

damage = 19

animtype = Medium

guardflag = MA

pausetime = 12,12

sparkno = 1

sparkxy = -10,-83

guardsound = 6,0

ground.type = High

ground.slidetime = 12

ground.hittime = 16

ground.velocity = -5.5

air.velocity = -2.5,-4

forcenofall = 1


[State 210, 5]

type = ChangeAnim

trigger1 = AnimElemTime(5) > 0 && AnimElemTime(6) <= 0

trigger1 = movecontact

ignorehitpause = 1

persistent = 0

value = 210

elem = 6


[State 210, 6]

type = SprPriority

trigger1 = AnimElem = 5

value = 2


[State 210, 7]

type = ChangeState

trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

value = 0

ctrl = 1

Help plz?

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2 answers to this question

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[State 210, 2]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = AnimElem = 3

attr = S, NA

animtype = Medium

damage = 19

guardflag = MA

pausetime = 12,12

sparkno = 1

sparkxy = -10,-70

guardsound = 6,0

ground.type = High

ground.slidetime = 12

ground.hittime = 16

ground.velocity = -5.5

air.velocity = -2.5,-4

forcenofall = 1


[State 210, 3]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = AnimElem = 4

attr = S, NA

damage = 19

animtype = Medium

guardflag = MA

pausetime = 12,12

sparkno = 1

sparkxy = -10,-83

guardsound = 6,0

ground.type = High

ground.slidetime = 12

ground.hittime = 16

ground.velocity = -5.5

air.velocity = -2.5,-4

forcenofall = 1


[State 210, 4]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = AnimElem = 5

attr = S, NA

damage = 19

animtype = Medium

guardflag = MA

pausetime = 12,12

sparkno = 1

sparkxy = -10,-83

guardsound = 6,0

ground.type = High

ground.slidetime = 12

ground.hittime = 16

ground.velocity = -5.5

air.velocity = -2.5,-4

forcenofall = 1


Aren't those are exacty same HitDef? You would've made that more clean by replacing it with this one:


[State 210, 4]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = AnimElem = 3

trigger2 = AnimElem = 4

trigger3 = AnimElem = 5

attr = S, NA

damage = 19

animtype = Medium

guardflag = MA

pausetime = 12,12

sparkno = 1

sparkxy = -10,-83

guardsound = 6,0

ground.type = High

ground.slidetime = 12

ground.hittime = 16

ground.velocity = -5.5

air.velocity = -2.5,-4

forcenofall = 1


Also, make sure AnimElem = 5 does have HitBox to associate with.


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