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FNaF World: Chipper's Revenge


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So, Five Nights at Freddy's World came out a little while ago (and was pulled from Steam by Scott for having so many bad reviews) and I played it. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. I was debating making a Mangle character, but there is one secret boss that is so absolutely unfair that I thought "Hey, that would be a funny joke/boss character for M.U.G.E.N." The boss is Chipper's Revenge.


--Chipper's Revenge--

"My world was filled with colorful creatures, but no...

you just wanted to be scared..."




     --Video of him in action.--


--Video of the actual boss fight.--


The whole point of him is that he is Scott's first character from his first game. But when FNaF went viral, he was left in the dust. So he wants to destroy all animatronics, starting with YOU! Oh, and his attacks deal a full health bar of damage. What's that, you say? How could any game boss kill you in one hit? Well, that's just what he does, my friend. I took a few liberties, such as having him crash down after each jump, and having a health bar that seemingly does not drain, but in the end, its still pretty similar. His only upside is that he has to be close to hit you. Just like in game, he can only be killed by an instant-kill F1 move (aka the Reaper Bytes in FNaF World) or by surviving till the timer runs out, where you will win by default because I coded him to. So its basically a "avoid-the-one-hit-kill" boss.


Disclaimer: This is a Joke-esque Boss Character, not to be taken too seriously.

Get him here:
(Just click on the file you want, then click the line with the arrow on it at the top that says "Download".)


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