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(Nijikaku) Locker room


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A not very impressive stage from Nijikaku. It's essentially just a photo, really. Oh, yeah, and that little girl on the scooter goes back and forth every now and then, which is the only animation. It's a little wider than this picture shows, though, and due to not using the Nijikaku lifebars, it has that border down there, that has the dreaded image effect. I'm pretty sure that's a poster of Melty Blood in the background, too... It comes with a twinkly song that's also called locker room. Not much else to say...

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Trivia: The music on this stage is actually called ホウライエソ「」 - 仮想ロデム子ステージもしくは寒そうな場所に, meaning: The virtual Rodemu-ko stage or Sam likely location and it's composed by somebody called Viperfish. Some Nijikaku songs have actual names and they're odd. Never liked this stage but the music is good, it kinda sounds like an alternate version of the Mii Channel. 「」is an anonymous symbol so the composer might be unknown.

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Yeah, I did notice that symbol, and assumed it as such. I don't know why they kept themselves secret for this entire fullgame, though...

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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