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Shredder (TMNT) Alpha- Release


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Shredder Alpha Release


I really don't want to lose this anytime in the future so i am releasing this now with a lot missing. Download if you like. This version is playable though there may be a few things still incomplete. A lot was last minute filler. Anyway, enjoy this preview.




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Cool. Thanks for your interest in this. I appreciate the hundreds of mugen downloaders who play and collect my mugen characters. I really enjoy watching the fan (of the characters, not me) uploads on youtube as well as the non-fan videos(seriously!). I just like to watch my characters online whether it's frustrating a gamer or giving him a challenging fight. I do this every few weeks, it's like a tv series for me.


I bet there are others (creators) out there who enjoy that to. I wish the fans themselves could experience my joy, it's really a unique feeling; like getting your book report read in class because the teacher thinks it's awesome. Just to see Goku or Link kicking butt is fun and exhilarating.


Anyway, back to the character...


A late heads up,


Don't expect much because I just didn't do enough this time around, much like a lot of my previous wips and releases. This release does have more than green ranger but not enough for 6 button playthrough.....enjoy :P


I was really into this wip when I started out but I kinda just ended up not caring anymore to be perfectly honest. I don't know, maybe I'm growing out of this hobby? I would like to still complete my wish list of the remaining 30-ish characters left but I really just can't force it.


I might take a long break but if not that then maybe I'll just hang around until something inspires me again.










No matter what forum I am on, I just want all of you to know that I enjoyed our time together on these various forums, all of them, sonicx/team spoiler, cvgunited/crusadercast, infinity mugen team, mugen fighters guild, mugen infantry, the hidden elect, scruffy dragon, the unlimited, mugen multiverse, electbyte, infinite fighting forum, mugen free for all, mortal kombat mugen projects, mortal kombat mugen kings arena, mortal kombat mugen armageddon, new age mugen, and mugen china and some others I forget.


I hope I get to continue with you all for another 8 years.


It is an honor to be a part of the mugen community, whether it was bad or good,....you guys are alright.





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