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Thoughts on Marvels cluster f*** (Spoiler Alert)


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So its pretty obvious what marvel has going on here. Their Cinematic universe is about to expand and include mutants, inhumans, and slew of other introductions including Black panther and a high school student spider-man being introduced in Captain America 3. I love this idea of a movie studio whose IP's are connected and can appear anywhere in any movie. Unfortunately, this is adversely going to affect the comics in general because I believe this is the core foundation why something as fucking baffling as secret wars battleworld was green lit in the first place. Over the past decade and a half, marvel has been killing and re-birthing major characters for the sake of sales because they cant seem to right a story without the ultimate shock factor, but now ala DC's terrible crisis of the infinite earths; marvel wil be killing off the almost the entire catalog of marvel comics (33 titles so far)  to completely reboot the the marvel universe. Of course they did something similar in 2000 with the launch of the Ultimate line which to me was perfect.Ultimate Spider-man, Ultimate X-men, The Ultimates, and Ultimate FF was to me all great titles that I sorely miss to this day. They ended up reducing that to just Mile Morales title because the fucked up everything with Ultimatum killing off 90 percent of the characters. sigh. Anyway, so secret wars is a way to fix this I guess. With the earth destroyed as they know several different Marvel Continuities will make up the landmasses of the new planet. now I am hoping that avoid the route Im predicting where the only ones remaining in the end are so that the comics sync with the cinematic universe. I will say this though, I didn't see utopia era x-men but they do have westchester 90's era x-men. I hope they are part of the final outcome. I am tired of everyone giving cyclops shit for killing Xavier. Damn when Jean killed a solar system that swept that under the rug. lol

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Its like a spiritual reboot because of all the cancelations and the fact that Marvel stated that every writer at Marvel is doing a 616 (Core universe) finale. Their making  a whole new universe. All marvel universes (2099, MC2, Ultimate, Zombie, age of Ultron, House of M, age of Apocalypse, etc) will all be merging into one. The end result will be almost like what DC did with Batman for the new 52.

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