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Umezono's Mugen Interviews


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Hello all, Umezono here and I have been thinking about trying this for awhile. My plan is to interview members of the community (emphasis on those who are contributors) and question them more in depth about their experiences and thoughts on development of the engine, their and others contributions and community alike. I will be posting this thread accross multiple boards because I want to interview people from all over this community and bring together a range of experiences. Consequently I may end up interviewing an author or two who some people may take question with, but its no way reflective of my own opinions on anybody. I do this solely for education/informational/entertainment purposes.
The interviews will be relatively short, informal question and answer sessions. You may choose how to do them and choose your date at your leisure. I just hope nobody will stand me up :P. The signups are open to all but I will be choosing myself who will go, so it is not first come first serve. Its not guaranteed I interview you either I suppose.
If you are somewhat sceptical perhaps an example will allay your fears. Here is what (I hope it) would look like.


Ume: Hi, creator X, big fan of your work. To begin, can you provide us a short summary of how youfirst  got involved with our community? 
Ume: Wow, that is certainly an interesting view on the general quality of MUGEN work nowadays. As a followup, what do you feel creators should be focusing on more in their works? Do you perhaps feel this is a problem that cannot be fixed?
X: harrumph blah yaddda yadda blah
Ume: I agree, he was a great creator and I would hope he one day returns. In that vein, who is your biggest influence within the community?
X: Jmorphman
So yeah, simple stuff like that. It should be fun and hopefully people can learn something new. It will be geared towards MUGEN rather than the personal/jokey stuff you can find in the MFG ask thread and will provide a soapbox for a variety of different people to share their thoughts.
If you are interested, maybe fill out this form for me:
Preferred correspondence for interview:
Preferred time/date:
Preferred topics:
If this works out, I hope to archive them on my MFG webspace. Thank you and have a great 2015.
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Eh..seems interesting~

Username: Excahm

Forum: MFFA(Main)/MTM/MFZ/Tier-1

Preferred correspondence for interview: MFFA PM (is more easy to use)

Preferred time/date: anyday from 4PM to 10PM

Preferred topics: Well...mainy anime/Manga and other stuff u want to add.

Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind


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