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The Shredder - Movie Version


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The Shredder


Introducing, The Shredder wip, originally from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie from 1990. The shredder has always had an impression on me since I was a kid seeing that movie. The first time we got a good look at him we all knew he was some serious business. His back-story is so classical and he's your favorite bad guy, right up there with Darth Vader. The only thing cooler than the turtles was this guy.


I plan to use the movie for reference in his moves, weapons, and hopefully some audio rips. The bases are kars(JoJo), Zangief, and a sprite by a guy named vitamin. I'm going with this final design for him and I may do one of the turtles to someday to give him some competition, though I rather do Splinter first LOL

In case no one knows who this guy is, here's a video


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His head looks a little strange to me in the walk aim.

Yeah I need to adjust it on a little better. I was thinking of making the top half stay still like in Mortal Kombat Arcade games 1-3? Though I all ready did too much so I guess I should adjust it instead.


Right now I'm trying to do the jump and crouch stuff.


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In the movie he throws a stainless steel knife! He also charges at his opponent with a double sided spear. This is gonna be pretty cool, I can't wait to play his completed form.




In the sequel he exposes himself to some radioactive material that makes him grow huge.




I might do this one for a win pose?!


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Not just some radioactive material, but the titular Ooze. Did you even watched the movies, or do you just pretend to have watched them?

Are you really gonna bust my chops about this? I know it's called Ooze but it can also be referred to as radioactive material, it's even labeled as that in the damn movie trinitewhatever your name is!!!!





Back off movie geek! Or should I say movie geek imposter. Humph!


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Well, I know have to come in and give an explanation to that.

Whoever put the Ooze into the capsule had no idea, what that substance is called and just dubbed it after the type of the subtance: Radioactive Material

I know that the Ooze is radioactive material, but "Radioactive Material" is by no means the official name of the Ooze, just saying (although I do have to watch my vocabulary in order to not sound TOO disrespectful).

Fun fact only few people care about: In the cartoon, it was called the Mutagen instead.

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Well, I know have to come in and give an explanation to that.

Whoever put the Ooze into the capsule had no idea, what that substance is called and just dubbed it after the type of the subtance: Radioactive Material

I know that the Ooze is radioactive material, but "Radioactive Material" is by no means the official name of the Ooze, just saying (although I do have to watch my vocabulary in order to not sound TOO disrespectful).

Fun fact only few people care about: In the cartoon, it was called the Mutagen instead.

Very informative! BTW I was just messing around with ya lol


It's cool :P


Though wouldn't the scientist put that label on there themselves? More like someone else would put the label on the box crates or whatever if I had to guess for shipping away? If there were any I mean? I don't know since I didn't read the comics. Though I'm guessing the scientist would do that themselves because for a canister to get mislabeled would really screw up an experiment's results!!! Then again though, they are probably the same guys that "safely" secured their stuff so no one would get exposed LOL


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I think this is a good era choice for shredder. I hate the later versions of shredder because they are always making him a dude in a iron man armor with spikes. The newest version is similar to the bastardization of Silver Samurai in The Wolverine. Now that all forms of TMNT media are canon and set in parallel universes, the movie shredder is neck and neck with the original cartoon version in weakness which blows because up until the end of TMNT 2 shredder relied on his own power.


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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I think this is a good era choice for shredder. I hate the later versions of shredder because they are always making him a dude in a iron man armor with spikes. The newest version is similar to the bastardization of Silver Samurai in The Wolverine. Now that all forms of TMNT media are canon and set in parallel universes, the movie shredder is neck and neck with the original cartoon version in weakness which blows because up until the end of TMNT 2 shredder relied on his own power.

The way I look at it is, so what if they ruined shredder or whatever they do with these new reboots, etc. We still have the old one and no one can take that away from us. I see comments like this all over the internet on how they ruined the turtles and all that jazz, though it shouldn't affect anyone because we can always go back and watch the ones we grew up with and appreciate these. I like cartoon and movie shredder, they are both what I watch occasionally and enjoy and that's okay.


They do that with everything, especially that giant silver samurai thing lol But let them enjoy whatever and if they say theirs is better then pay no attention to that, that's their shredder and this is our shredder. ;)





Shredder crouching and a Shredder dash, Akuma/Gouki style XD


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You say your using some Zangief stuff for this shredder so will he be a grappler/power type char. That would be interesting.


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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Zangief is just the head :P


I will have him do more than green ranger and he'll have maybe double the amount of specials or more. He'll be standard sfII stuff. I'm not into grapple moves unless it's an instant grapple attack, as in the grab just turns into an attack at an instant like a punch or kick or weapon bash. Besides I'm sure I wouldn't even know how to code a grab properly...


The base is pretty lax so I think this will fit shredder very well. In the movie the shredder was very disciplined when facing against the turtles. The only time he got sloppy was when he went up against the splinter after the whole thing about his face.


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problem solved... :P





Things have been slow because I have been doing stuff and I've been having a good time. Maybe I shouldn't have jumped so quickly onto another wip. I'll come back and continue with it and it will take a while to complete. The important thing is that there is progress and it's about half way done now. :)


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Yeah I know now LOL


That was embarrassing before...


Okay, i'm sneaking in some progress here, shredder falling and hitting the ground!



I just need the regular get hits and then I can get started on some attacks!


Shredder is getting closer! And I have a lot of attack ideas buzzing in my head just for him to use. I may even do an intro this time, it's been awhile since I've been passionate about a wip. For sure I'll add more than what everyone is used to from me and just because I actually want more detail from this wip. Inspiration has hit me this year!




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