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Why did you use CvS and KoF/SvC sprites together? :noway:

It's not that a simple palette change will make them automatically in CvS style. A lot of people seems to not grasp that and that's sad. :(

Also, looking at the screenshots I can tell you there are the equivalent sprites in CvS style too, so you needn't use SvC sprites for those actions. At the very least you could have frankensprited or quickly edited some of them if you missed some moves.


- so it's really called Master instead of Masters;

- the sprite edits are ugly, the default palette is terrible with no contrast in some shades;

- you can move before the "Round 1, fight" voice and even attack the enemy;

- Wolverine and Evil Ken voices; (trivia: Evil Ken's voices are Hugo's with a different pitch and speed)

in my opinion you could have used SvC voices;

... actually, there are more voices, from different characters too...

- Collision boxes are horrible;

I stop here because this reminds me of a Holy/God/Orochi/Evil character so I don't need to give feedback on a messed up character.

Don't take it as an offence, but if this character is meant to be cheap/flashy/broken/nonsensical etc. then my feedback is useless since you wouldn't follow it.

But at least change the name of Ken Master to Ken Masters.



Like Alex S. said:


Hi my dearfriend! This character you can hit him as normal when Fury ken Out of energy! you can hit him falls down easily! but if Fury ken too much energy, You hard hit him falls down! 


Why did you use CvS and KoF/SvC sprites together? :noway:

It's not that a simple palette change will make them automatically in CvS style. A lot of people seems to not grasp that and that's sad. :(

Also, looking at the screenshots I can tell you there are the equivalent sprites in CvS style too, so you needn't use SvC sprites for those actions. At the very least you could have frankensprited or quickly edited some of them if you missed some moves.


- so it's really called Master instead of Masters;

- the sprite edits are ugly, the default palette is terrible with no contrast in some shades;

- you can move before the "Round 1, fight" voice and even attack the enemy;

- Wolverine and Evil Ken voices; (trivia: Evil Ken's voices are Hugo's with a different pitch and speed)

in my opinion you could have used SvC voices;

... actually, there are more voices, from different characters too...

- Collision boxes are horrible;

I stop here because this reminds me of a Holy/God/Orochi/Evil character so I don't need to give feedback on a messed up character.

Don't take it as an offence, but if this character is meant to be cheap/flashy/broken/nonsensical etc. then my feedback is useless since you wouldn't follow it.

But at least change the name of Ken Master to Ken Masters.

Ohhh.... dont worries those! but very thanks dear

I just add spirties necessary!

because of Fury mode so i need change somes sound for Better as angry!


Uh huh, I see..


Anyway, My turn (though this might be outdated, since you've updated him.. if anything):


-One of his intros (where he "transforms") literally hurts my ears. And I'm not saying it to be funny, it's just on whatever you've done with Ken's theme, it's grating to the ears. (Also, the red bg effect thing stays when you skipped the intro, along with the "music")

-Also, the small port looks a bit off (on one of the eyes).

-I know Alex mentioned this already, but good lord the hitboxes are quite bad.


And this is just a few of all the hitboxes he has in-game.

-This "Dash/teleport" thingy literally has no hitboxes whatsoever (oh, and you can hold it for as long as you like.. joy)


-Uhh.. if he's supposed to be 6 buttons, why is his "med punch" a "dodge" button, rather than the regular "weak punch+weak kick" button?

-This is how much is done when I was doing nothing but mash light punch in itself.


-Just to be brief: Walking Low kick of doom.


-Some of the hitsounds don't even match up with the hits themselves (hard-sounding hitsound for a light/med attack? Really?)

-His "med" Tatsu is an infinite (Got up to 12 hits, though it takes loads of timing)

-I have a suspicious feeling that his low tatsu is an infinite as well (it's extremely strict on timing, but I can get up to 6 hits with it)

-Why is this needed, btw?


(doesn't help that you can hold that pose for as long as you like)

-I love how the "Hyper bg" thingy is not even lined up properly.


-This "Air fireball" super took up very little meter


-Oh hey, he's hovering in the air (and the match barely started):



I would go more in-depth/detail here, but I need to stop here. This Ken is just.. downright below terrible (even reminded me of those Evil/Orochi/Shin/Symbiote edits), for it needs so much work to be done but yet it feels like you intended him to be this way. And I don't even want to ask why as well, even for a "beta".






Oh! you are determined very accurately! i even not notice that! thank dear! 

But evaluator! In my game i use My char! i dont see my char hit to rush more like you show in pic! If I use how many hit as enemy get how many hit! i think maybe error in my char im uploaded! I will try reupload! 


Can u give us an alternative DL link, it seems that I cant download it from Google Drive



I just review my link! sorry about this error! now you can download from drive google!



When He still 400HP or He Fury up to live, everyone note to Finished!
press: Forward, Down, Forward, weak punch + straight punch (a+b)
Get to Shungokutatsu Finish!


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