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3D-ish Blood Spirtes

Ultra Fatality


I'm looking for some small but good looking blood splatter spirtes for special effects like shin kazama's blood on the screen or like small blood explodes you can put somewhere on the screen like its splating in the background or something idk i have some at the moment but there not really spirtes there plain old pics i converted it doesn't look to good converted idky but if anyone could help that'd be great  

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Well i have been reading this from the day its started. i was looking for may be someone could give you the best
i can tell you the easy way to find them but for that you have to do a little bit work yourself [i do it for what i need i did it with chars for BG screens]
Now im not saying my ans is Best one but it will help you anyways Way is
1st step = You need to find a video [which is easy and available on youtube] copy the url.
2nd step= Open online video to png convertor [google it]
now you have both the thing and the tool. paste your Url and convert it. after that [when you download it] open Photoshop and index all the images thats how you can get the sprites you need.
i have been doing this from more than 2 years. i find it helping for me. i hope this will help you too.
and for examples




these are the few videos you can use them for what u need. check his channel for more.


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