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Cherry Blossom


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Okey now...


-You named your DEF and SFF "cherry blossom ex" should be "cherry_blossom_ex" never leave empty spaces on the name this sometimes causes loading problems also remove any code line you arent using  since some of these actually works depending of the mugen version also to keep the SFF in order and easy to undertand :>


-The Blosoms animation is too slow IMO.


-Blossoms could use a slighty more transparency since you have a layer of fog runing around that makes them look more bright IMO.

By that i mean....instead of:


[begin Action 1]
3, 0, 0, 0, 2,,A




[begin Action 1]
3, 0, 0, 0, 4,,AS256D256

The first trio of numbers enable the Alpha to be able to add more trasparency on animations. the lower the value more transparent the sprite becomes.


-This is more of a personal preference but try increasing the "Verticalfollow" around 7 or higer. this helps the camera to follow the action better for those chars that have superjump and AIR combos such MVC or Guilty Gear,


Simple stage not much to say just looks good which certainly works also the BGM selection is nice.

thx for the sharing.

Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind


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