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I can NOT believe I'm asking this. This might sound totally noob but this has never happened to me before. Look, let's just get it clear, I made the animation of my character's special move, I coded it's CNS and the command file and still this piece of crap isn't working. Whenever I try the command of  my character's special move, well it doesn't work. WTH is this???


Edit: Here are the codes :




[statedef 1000]

type = S

movetype= A

physics = S

juggle = 10

ctrl = 0

poweradd = 0

anim = 1000

sprpriority = 1


[state 1000, Explod]

type = Explod

trigger1 = time = 10

anim = 500

ID = 1000

pos = 2,-57

postype = p1

removetime = 50

scale = 1.5,1.5

sprpriority = 0

ontop = 1

ownpal = 1


[state 1000, PlaySnd]

type = PlaySnd

trigger1 = time = 0

value = S0,6

volumescale = 100


[state 1000, PlaySnd]

type = PlaySnd

trigger1 = time = 0

value = S0,7

volumescale = 100


[state 1000, Projectile]

type = Projectile

trigger1 = animelem = 5

ProjID = 1000

projanim = 2000

projscale = 1.5,1.5

projremovetime = 350

projhits = 1

projpriority = 1

projsprpriority = 3

offset = 51,-70

postype = p1

; HitDef

attr = S,NP

hitflag = MAF

guardflag = MA

getpower = 0

animtype = hard

priority = 4,Hit

damage = 41,41

pausetime = 0,0

sparkno = -1

hitsound = 0,3

guardsound = 0,3

ground.type = High

ground.slidetime = 15

ground.hittime = 20

ground.velocity = -4,-3

palfx.time = 350

palfx.add = 100,100,100

palfx.mul = 238,238,238

fall = 1

fall.recover = 0


[state 1000, Envshake]

type = Envshake

trigger1 = time = 61

time = 350

freq = 100

ampl = -4


[state 1000, ChangeState]

type = ChangeState

trigger1 = time = 411

value = 0

ctrl = 1


Command :


[state -1, Super Kamehameha]

type = ChangeState

value = 1000

triggerall = power > 2999

triggerall = Command = "Super Kamehameha"

triggerall = statetype != A

trigger1 = ctrl



                                      --------------------Don't even think of beating ME kakarot-----------------------

5 answers to this question

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Does your character enter the state 1000? Which I am pretty sure it doesn't but let's check just to be safe.


Move the state -1 in the cmd above all other commands.


Make sure command "Super Kamehameha" exists and is valid. Post the command too.


If I remember correctly, triggers are case sensitive. Check if the case is similar or not.

  • 0

What happens when you press the designated keys? It doesn't do anything or does Mugen crash?


Are you sure there is only one Statedef 1000?

Is your power = 3000? If it's not then change it to 3000.


Press Ctrl + D in Mugen and check whether your character enters state 1000 or not. This would help checking whether the error is from the '.cmd' or '.cns' end.


You need to be more specific; only then I would be able to help more.

  • 0

It doesn't do anything or does Mugen crash?

Are you sure there is only one Statedef 1000?

Is your power = 3000? If it's not then change it to 3000.


It doesn't do anything. There is only on Statedef 1000. Maybe your right I could change the power to 3000 coz my power is at 9000



                                      --------------------Don't even think of beating ME kakarot-----------------------

  • 0

I tried all that you said but it's not working. I changed the power to 3000 and pressed ctrl + D. I don't think they count the animation.


Edit : No, it's not a problem in the animations either. WTF man???



                                      --------------------Don't even think of beating ME kakarot-----------------------

  • 0

Move the state -1 in the cmd above all other commands.





                                      --------------------Don't even think of beating ME kakarot-----------------------

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