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[Full Game] Sonic Speed Fighters 2


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Wait, three?

I have:

-(True Blue) Sonic (couldn't you just call him Sonic like everyone else?)

-Dark Super Sonic (when did that ever happen in the game?)

-Fleetway Super Sonic

-Neo Fire Sonic (that Sonic doesn't even exist)

-that one char below Knuckles might be another version of Sonic

I was also tempted to say Z, but at least he doesn't have Sonic in his name, and he is the only one of the characters to use what seems to be a sword, so he would only need a design update, that would make him look less like Sonic in a cape with yellow stripes on his spikes.

neo fire sonic is a different person, a fancharacter

the guy below knuckles is once again a different person, a fancharacter

-Z-  is definitely not sonic ------------------------------------------- ^

dark super sonic wasn't in game it was in sonic X




oh as for true blue sonic, thats because theres too many sonics out there named "sonic"


also update:




-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Even though there are many Sonic characters, calling the real deal just "Sonic" is already enough.

That also what every other FG does.

And yeah...from all the fan characters, Neo Fire Sonic and that black Sonic look-alike ar the least original in design.

One suggestion I could give to you is keeping Neo Fire Sonic, but renaming him to something else, that does NOT have Sonic in his name...

Let's see...will Photon The Hedgehog be god enough for you? You could also differentiare Photon from Sonic even more, if you give Photon something else designwise, what Sonic doesn't have. It even can be something basic like shades for Photon.

About that black Sonic look-alike...I dunno, I need more informations about that character, though.

But now, to Dark Super Sonic: Well, now I know, why I never heard of that. I have only rarely watched that anime (in fact, I'm a bit more familiar with the last season, but not by too much), so...uhm...I would like to give Kudos for that, but I have to try that Sonic out first, before I can give a better judgement.

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any secret chars?


notice the mockup, anyone you see there that isnt in the legit image is technically secret.


About that black Sonic look-alike...I dunno, I need more informations about that character, though.


i can't spoil the final boss now can i?


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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The final boss looks like Sonic?

Okay, something went incredibly wrong then.

And why would you add the final boss wide open for everyone to see?

Also, what about my idea of revamping Neo Fire Sonic into Photon the Hedgehog? Please at least consider it, so that this fan character of yours is more its own character and less a Sonic edit.

And with Nazo, we got yet another Sonic look-a-like, which I have never heard of.

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 why would you add the final boss wide open for everyone to see?


so everyone can be tricked



Also, what about my idea of revamping Neo Fire Sonic into Photon the Hedgehog?


Neo is alot different than sonic, so i really do not need to revamp anything.(i really won't since i do not want to drastically change a character that has been that way for several years)


And with Nazo, we got yet another Sonic look-a-like, which I have never heard of.




I'm the only true sonic fan on this website aren't I


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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so everyone can be tricked




Neo is alot different than sonic, so i really do not need to revamp anything.(i really won't since i do not want to drastically change a character that has been that way for several years)





I'm the only true sonic fan on this website aren't I

-Wait, what?

-Wait...Neo as a name is perfect. Yeah, instead of calling him Neo Fire Sonic, just call him Neo. Nobody would think then that Neo is a Neo Fire version of Sonic. And adding shades is NOT a drastical change. It is literally just one smalll detail, which has got big results afterwards.

-Okay, so you have now decided to add a character from the Cutting Room Floor? Nice idea, but I know at least two characters, that have the same criteria, but would add more variety than Nazo, of who we know very little. We also have more informations about these two characters than we have about Nazo, so they actually even should be easier to create. I will only say two names: Honey the Cat and Tiara Boobowski. However, I would actually prefer Honey over Tiara, because then, your game would have a nice Fighting Vipers reference. And because you can actually PLAY as Honey in Sonic the Fighters through hacking.

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neither of those characters have battle sprites. and also another thing to consider for me when making characters are movesets


everyone in SSF2 so far has a big variety of attacks, and those 2 don't really have anything


notice in sonic the fighters when you actually play as honey, she has no real moveset, just another knuckles clone


and besides, nazo is fun to create, which is why he is there.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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everyone in SSF2 so far has a big variety of attacks, and those 2 don't really have anything


notice in sonic the fighters when you actually play as honey, she has no real moveset, just another knuckles clone

Well, you can still call him just Neo, though. Seriously, changing the displayname is pretty easy.

Also, Honey had no moveset, because she was UNFINISHED. Judging from her name and her outfit, she very probably would have Candy's moveset from Fighting Vipers, if Sega would have finished her.

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For crying out loud Trini, give the man some breathing space would ya?

Stop hammering on him like that. It's okay to give suggestions for this game's development, there's nothing wrong with doing that, but is it really such a big deal to you whether NFS changes his self-insert character's name to Neo? The game will be just fine as it is regardless of that name change occuring or not.

Saying things like "in either way, that's no excuse." makes it look like you sort of want to force NFS in applying changes he doesn't deem necessary. Is that your intention?

Either way, I am sure that NFS knows better than anyone else what this game needs and doesn't need as well as what should be changed in it and what shouldn't. It's his project after all and nobody else's.

Oh and with his "I'm not SEGA" remark he was referring to your theory about Honey's moveset.

If I understand it well, he wants every individual character in the game to have a moveset which is unique to them and not identical to that of another one. The fact Honey is a Knuckles clone in Sonic The Fighters and that she'd (according to you) would have Candy's moveset from Fighting Vipers if she were finished, clashes with that idea. I believe NFS won't even think about adding her unless he (or somebody else) can come up with a new and original moveset for her.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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Hey, what I do is giving feedback. And I give it to him, and not to you.

Also, I hate fancreated Sonic OCs in general (mainly the Sonic edits, though, because of the same reasons like Ryu/Ken/Akuma edits), so if his OC is not Sonic, than the OC also should not be called Sonic then.

Also, there is one reason why Honey would get Candy's moveset. It's because the only reason Honey exists is to be Sonic's answer to Candy from Fighting Vipers, whose japanese is even Honey, just like Honey the Cat. So yeah, giving Honey the Cat a custom moveset would destroy the purpose of Honey's existance.

But yeah, I wont even complain much, if his Nazu ends up being an interesting character.

Just the name of his self-insert...the name reference to Sonic has to be removed.

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None of the E-Series gona be in?



sorry not this one, but in a future release of mine, yes.

yea omega and gamma duh :P


oh and win, its okay, I really totally appreciate feedback, and since obviously trin is telling me stuff that means he really likes the game

so don't worry its not that big of a deal :P


and don't worry Nazo will be very interesting.



and about Neo fire sonic,


would you believe me if i told you that he wasn't my first sonic Fc?

Sonic just happens to be his last name, because i wanted it to.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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You take "sonic fan" to a whole new lvl though more like sonic rider


Not that surprising people would not know about Nazo either considering he is someone that was going to appear in Sonic X season 4 which never came to be. That is prolly not even his name. People got it off some japanese website

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I gotta have to agree with Neo. This game does show potential, and I really don't want that to go to waste by wrong decisions.

And about your OC, who appearanly is your second one: What do you mean he just happens to have Sonic in his name?

I mean, there is no reason for a Sonic OC to have Sonic in his name for no reason. An OC having Sonic in its name always suggests something bigger and NOT just happening to have Sonic in its name for no reason.

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