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V I L E | Made with Pivot


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Hey guys :u I've been working on a new pivot character and I finally finished him :D It took a while but I think I did okay. I'm a noobie with all of this stuff so don't bash me or anything dudes.

I wanted to base him off of Reptile from the Mortal Kombat series. So I guess you could say he's a stick figure version of Reptile :3 Thanks to all the people who helped me as well :D! Also, sorry for the screenshots being so huge.







The last 2 screenshots were for my game and I post them on the facebook page, that's why they look like that. 

Some of the things in Vile's animations were drawn using Paint Tool Sai.



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Now, this is what I want to see on stick characters!


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- His acid spit move doesn't hit the opponent when you perform the move too close to opponent. The acid spit just go through the opponent.

- If he's been attack when he try to charge his power, of course he will stop the charging move however the sound of the charging move still can heard and it's random.

Overall, I like this character, something new to a stick character.


sorry for the screenshots being so huge.

This, you don't need to apologize for this, it's better actually you use this size of screenshots. People can see clearly what you try to show.


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