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Pallet Swap Comic Chars By zombieBrock,Vamiro83,Thrillio & Ryoucchi,Carpa5

Lord Batros

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Pal Swap Character Pack


Pals by Zombie, Ports by Ryoucchi, some Snd by me.

If me and Brock can collab some more, and with the grace of the amazing Ryoucchi, there MAY be more in the future.



Bruce Lee = Feilong by Infinite


6 Million Dollar Man = Maxima by Infinite


Sho' Nuff = Asura by Dick Buckus


Bruce Leroy = Lee Chen by NGI


Yojimbo = Shin Haohmaru by Capuchino


Vandal Savage = Moses Maddigan by SeanAlty





-Madea(yes, THAT Madea):

Momasusta by DDR, pals by Brock, SND and some specs edited by me)


(may be updated. Problems with the pal is there is no way to turn the hair white since it is connected to nearly all the character's outlines, other than that, makes a great boss/sub-boss; unless you like to "Broly" through Arcade mode)


-Jim Kelly (Jones by Ryo 2005, char edit by duracelleur, port by Ryoucchi, rest by me):





My Man Great Job on these , now we need to release the DR who look alike lol 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Full character edits, not just pal swaps.


Pals by Zombie Brock, Ports by Ryoucchi, CMD + CNS + SND by Thrillo.


Blade (Duke Nuke'em by TOPS & RMH) and Deacon Frost (Elkenysis by KYK)


Both use a MvC style of commands, with specials as:







same for kicks


And hypers are the usual MvC style as well, same as above but with 2 punches/kicks or a punch+kick of same strength, etc.


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Full character edits, not just pal swaps.


Pals by Zombie Brock, Ports by Ryoucchi, CMD + CNS + SND by Thrillo.


Blade (Duke Nuke'em by TOPS & RMH) and Deacon Frost (Elkenysis by KYK)


Both use a MvC style of commands, with specials as:







same for kicks


And hypers are the usual MvC style as well, same as above but with 2 punches/kicks or a punch+kick of same strength, etc.




awesome ill add some pics later tonight, Great Job brother 's. oh & im trying to respond to our PM but its screwing up, so if it says ive read it but i didnt respond, thats why 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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I'm so unhappy with this Blade. Don't worry guys, will be updated in the future. Ryouchhi SHINED like a chrome hubcaps on a white benz, on this. His ports are unreal. Brock of course made the pals so delicious, it inspired this redo. Duke's files are insane, and the sources for Blade are just so dried up. The CMD and some coding was a B***H to break down and redo. But then again, pretty much all of TOPS chars are a nightmare to recode in anyway(have MvC'ed his DBZ chars in case anybody wants) Knowing Brock, he might load this guy with some more hot pals. Maybe when Im more rested and less stressed with things going on IRL, I'll def major update this guy. Deacon Frost too, he came out not bad I think, when the whole "trinity" get on him though, he should be a major upgrade.



Wanna bite the hand that feeds me, wanna turn the tides 
Set the demons free and watch 'em fly 
Strike down the one who leads me, I'm gonna take his place 
Gonna vindicate the human race 
Better watch out 'cause I'm a war machine


(Jim Rhodes): Tony....TONY! Stop singing. Damn it Tony.


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Gosh, look good mr. brock. That Grundy...since he's pretty much similar to hulk, it really goes well with that palette. Now we need Grundy sound patch :awesome


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Gosh, look good mr. brock. That Grundy...since he's pretty much similar to hulk, it really goes well with that palette. Now we need Grundy sound patch :awesome



u never know, my buddy thrillio might get something done soon on that end, guess well have to wait and see    :hi:


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Gonna grab that Grundy now. I have one suggestion Mr. Brock, what about make Jamie Foxx's Electro palette for Bluestreak? They really similar right.


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Gonna grab that Grundy now. I have one suggestion Mr. Brock, what about make Jamie Foxx's Electro palette for Bluestreak? They really similar right.



thats not a bad idea, only problem is that demon form move he has.... kind of kills the idea hes electro 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Grundy to be updated soon. Black Queen.....well, see what can be done. Port wise, she may end up being a hell of alot to handle and sound clips?

Anyway, brand new palswap edit for you guys. Fray Tormenta, a.k.a., Friar Storm (real man who King from Tekken and Nacho Libre are based on. He is still alive and still does Sunday Mass in his mask on occassion. Former major heavyweight and legend of lucha in Mexico). Edited from CVS Raiden by H[]h. 'El Santo' coming soon.

Pals by the Shogun of Georgia, ports by the Indestructible Battleship, and recoding and CMD by "Ohhh Sweet Mercy Maybelline! It's Broly!"








okay so dumb question. Yugioh abridged....and Yugio "HD" by Chuchoryu?


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thats not a bad idea, only problem is that demon form move he has.... kind of kills the idea hes electro 

Oh yea, I forgot that demon move. It does kills the Electro feel.


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New release 


Saeko From High School Of The Dead





Just The Pals 





All Credit to Antagonist For The Codes & Sprites 

Special thanks to Ryoucchi for the Port 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Wow Saeko! LOL, didn't see this one coming. Really perfect one!


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.....born on a Monday






(thanks to SeanAlty for 'Zenith')




Saeko, version 2 (Highschool of the Dead)   


All Credit to Antagonist & Duracelleur For The Codes & Sprites 



Dragon Boy a.k.a. Tanton, [Toriyama's first hero, the precursor to Goku and Dragon Ball]

(Zemial by sepher)




Shizuo Heiwajima (Mr. Kyo by jin & SHIN YAGAMI & ½ðÉßÌì×ð)



King Cold (DBZ Abridged, hypothetical 4th form), pals by ZombieBrock, rest by me, (Cooler by GlaudiaCloud aka the DBZ dream-maker)



Brought to you by: Brock the Shogun of Pals, Ryoucchi the Indestructible Port Ship, Thrillo the Awesome, and viewers like you.


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To my sick pleasure, Ryoucchi's amusement, and ESPECIALLY to Brock's great shame, I present to you all........................FINALLY......HONEY BOO BOO FOR MUGEN. YES! NOW the pride of McIntyre can rub elbows with Goku, Kyo, Ryu, Spider-Man, Ironman, etc.!!!!


Ports by Ryoucchi, pals and SND by me, hopefully Brock will update with pals. RIGHT BROCK? :troll:.(dodges thrown brick). Brock had nothing to do with this retardation....BUT...since he is involved with us and this is his thread...maybe he is.  >:D  BWAHAHAHAHAHA  [ducks thrown computer]







Oh...and by the way....forget Shao Kahn, Orochi, M. Bison, Thanos, Apocalypse, Dio, or even Onslaught. Dare you risk your glasses and face........



"Sharkeisha! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....!"




Sharkeisha edited from Hei Meiling by motherearth (yes. That is correct. a TouHou Sharkeisha. What abomination Have we wrought?), Honey Boo Boo from Infinite Karin.


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your both off the team .....................

















































































Get off, never post in here again























































:=D:     j/k to each his own, but like was stated i HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!!!!


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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